The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
omg my knee hurts so much >_< ....again..... ( last year i had a plaster cast..or how is that called... -_-'' ) and tomorrow i wont' be able to go to my dance class :'(


New member
right now i'm ******...i just came from school and my mom yelled at me... wtf?? ..I didn't do anything wrong... -_-'' ....but anyways...i'm ok.... my knee doesn't hurt that much anymore..but i still can't go to my dance practice... :(


New member
so tired i could fall asleep. was up last night at 1:30am with coral because she was being sick, when she stopped i couldn't get back to sleep because i was worried she would be sick in her sleep. finally got to sleep at around 4am and was up at 6!!!
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