The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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all i can say is ooouuuccchhhhh!!!! i run over my little toe with my trolley in work today and it hurt like ****, i am now limping wherever i go :(

my sister and bro in law had some bad news today, his sister has died of a suspected heroin overdose, she was only 40 and had a 19 year old daughter.

all i can say is ooouuuccchhhhh!!!! i run over my little toe with my trolley in work today and it hurt like ****, i am now limping wherever i go :(
my sister and bro in law had some bad news today, his sister has died of a suspected heroin overdose, she was only 40 and had a 19 year old daughter.
omg! that's so awefull! I'm so sorry :(

I'm tired, my neck hurts, my face is still hot and I'm so freakin ****** now!! WTF am i doing wrong?? can please someone tell me that!? I seriously dont get it! :(



New member
jos calm down hunny and go lie down, you sound stressed.

EDIT: ok i feel old, i was just writing out my daughters 13th birthday card.........13!!!!! omg i have a teenage daughter as of tomorrow night at 9:17 (even through all the labour pains i still noticed what time she was born. can't belive my baby is 13.



New member
feel great today, woke my daghter up to open her birthday cards, made her breakfast and ironed her clothes for her. she went shopping with her friends while i decorated the outside of the house, i painted "HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY EDEN" in big letters on the windows and put balloons and banners up inside and out.

shes now got 4 of her friends staying and they are having a party.

feel great today, woke my daghter up to open her birthday cards, made her breakfast and ironed her clothes for her. she went shopping with her friends while i decorated the outside of the house, i painted "HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY EDEN" in big letters on the windows and put balloons and banners up inside and out.

shes now got 4 of her friends staying and they are having a party.
aaaaaaawwww thats so cute!! hope she's havin a great time :)

I feel good... and I so wanna watch more of Disturbia!! *goes and watches more* lol



New member
baaah...this weather sucks :( I hate's all dark and it looks like night.... and I feel tired and everything and I'm bored.....stupid weather :(
This movie is starting to be scary =S

I'm good tired but cant move until i havent seen the end...!

if i dont have ****** nightmares tonight than im really proud of myself! lol

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