The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
^^ Your leg fell asleep?? Right or left one?? 0_o Gee I'm trying to picture that!! Well actually I usually say that my *** is asleep but that leg thing is very original! LOL :thumbsup:
lol XD ....m left leg....but then my *** fall asleep too XD

still gooood :D



New member
baaaaah...I don't want to study :( .... I hate german....and I hate our phylosophy teacher...... she can't teach....she's soooooo confused.....she always tells us something and then she corrects herself because she's so confused..... gaaah


New member
feeling happy, just applyed for a job at maccy d's (dont laugh) hope i get it so i dont have to clean hotel rooms again.


New member
doing what at macdonalds, why dont you work in a clothes shop you could try onclothes and they let you take stuff...


New member
you find me a job where i can work 9-5 monday, tusday and wednesday that is a 20 minute bus ride from me. i have been in every shop near me today and maccys was the only one.
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