The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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Tired but good - 'cept my jaw wont stop hurting. Toothache. Killing me. Dagnammit. And I cant afford a dentist til maybe friday AND I have no health care card. Sucks ***... well, tooth, I guess

awwww sweetie, take some painkillers and get some oil of cloves. hope it gets better soon *hugs*

i'm feeling ok, just had chicken, roast potatos, carrots and yorkshire puddings mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm



New member
feeling down..just like the last few days..was only ok at nights because there was either alcohol or weed..yes i's no good thing, but it keeps my mind of my gf..the rest of the day i just cant stop thinking about her..
It´ll all be good, give it some time:)

LBS first you are very much in love, and the next moment you feel like ****?What happened?
looooooooong story dear.... let's say i feel like **** BECAUSE i'm in love... got it?

feeling down..just like the last few days..was only ok at nights because there was either alcohol or weed..yes i's no good thing, but it keeps my mind of my gf..the rest of the day i just cant stop thinking about her..
oohh sweet... i really understand... but like i've said to you before, i'm sure that one day it'll pass.. *hugs*

i'm not good not bad... actually, more bad than good... lololol....

but tonight.... VODKA, HERE I GOOOOOOOOO!!!



New member
Frickin bored, I'm at college atm and have a break until maths at 3:15, and I have no friends free at this time except Leon and he's just decided not to turn up to college today for some reason.. sigh.


New member
feel ok, just cleaned out the fridge wich i hate doing, put all the washing away and hooered the living room. i still have to cook food and wash and iron the kids and anys uniforms. then i can sit dwn and watch tv!!!
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