The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
^ all the best man

im feeling awesome, my life changing news is coming in 2 months, yep my exam results

but till then its all party :D



New member
it went fine, not very good, but not bad.
good luck with yours ;)
oral exam went great, we will be graded individually

other guy probably a 4

other girl probably a 6

and me and another girl from my group probably an 8^^, and we got a 7.5 for our project so that's cool^^

so jeej now i can go study for my last exam:shoot:

so jeezy, what news did you get?

and sygy are you ok?

oral exam went great, we will be graded individuallyother guy probably a 4

other girl probably a 6

and me and another girl from my group probably an 8^^, and we got a 7.5 for our project so that's cool^^

so jeej now i can go study for my last exam:shoot:

so jeezy, what news did you get?

and sygy are you ok?
oohh great then! :D

yeah, i'm gonna shot myself 2... gotta tons of stuff to study...



Active Members
so jeezy, what news did you get?
well..I quit my job and got a new work opportunity already

It will probably give me more money.

Just gotta tell that my mum now.

But I feel great



New member
50 f5ne, 4nt5t3ed 5ts 14st that 0y c60-ter 2eyb6eard 5s br62en 6r s60eth5ng 5t 352e has a v5r4s and 5 d6nt 2n6 what t6 d6 and 5 h6-w that -e6-3e can 4nderstant th5s, wh5ch 5 sever3y d64bt b4t 5 d6 h6-e that 5t dawns 6n s60e6ne, s60et50e s66n! 5 d6nt 2n6w w5ther 5 sh63d ta2e 5t t6 the c60-4ter -3ace b4t 5 bey 4t 5s 5s s60eth5ng very s50-3e yet 5 cann5t f5g4re 64t what bt 5 d6nt want t6 waste 0y 06ney 6n 5t and st4ff!!1 gahh 550 s66 0ad ab64t th5s, y64 g4ys have n6 5dea!!!!!!
i feel so freakin sorry for you sygy!!! i understood like 90% and i really hope you'll fix this again! *hugs*

im ok kinda ****** tho bc my bro needs the pc for school now and i just got on -.- screw him! lol



New member
*laffin @ Sygy - even though I know I shouldn't. Just looked funny was all. Sorry :eek:*

Me - :confused: That pretty much sums it up I reckon.



New member
i'm ok.....I was a psychologist today at school...and I decided....I'm going to be a psychologist.....i wasn't sure about that 'till today..but now I'm sure :D ....nd I'm happy :D


New member
feeling great, last 2 days at work then i leave for good, getting lp tickets for me and my sister soon and my daughter is getting an award from school in 2 weeks!!!
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