The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
feeling great, just been to parents evening at my eldest daughters schoool. shes gifted and talented at english, top 10 in the year in history, geography and R.E.

for everything else but maths shes top of the class!!!!



New member
thats the thing. its a HER. some 13 yr old girl is 'in love' with me! :( and basically is stirring everything i say and telling people that i said stuff which i didnt! :(


New member
**** again. Had another stupid violent moment at uni today. I can't ****** control myself.
Crying and drinking. Best way to spend a Wednesday evening.

Everything is such a **** mess. I don't even know where to begin sorting it out.



New member
Not very good. Got out of hospital yesterday - My right lung collapsed on saturday morning o_O Out of hospital now though which is good :)
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