The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
....I am kinda mixed....

****** off because a band I was gonna produce for broke up and I was gonna make 50 bucks

Stressed because my song writing has hit a brick wall the last few days and I am in studio next weekend

Angry because I am grounded (and not suppose to be on net)

Deppressed because my life is just turning to **** lately and for 2nd time ever in my life suicide is looking better

It seems listening to music and making music are only things keeping me alive...but either way I am starting to feel dead inside, and this post sounds very emo...which I am not...



New member
Tired, long day[in a good way]. I had a great day to begin with and it has gotten a lot better after dinner.

Waiting for Thursday to be over with, but it seems like its taking forever to get school over with.



New member
im feelinf rather tired. i ordered a DVD at the woolworths on my road, it came. cant be ****** to walk up m road to get it.


New member
I'm also still sick...but I maybe get a job I'm happy about that
what kinda job?

feeling happy today..tired but only had 1 day school lol, already weekend again, so enough time to rest, and sunday my gf is coming back from rome, can't wait^^(hope it goes well lol) :)

Im feeling rather good atm, cause I passed NCEA level2 Eng and Math, so if u wana take advantage of me this is your chance! XD But Im also ****** off because theres not much time left before Im 18 and at Polytech.

Scotty B

New member
im happy :D i like feeling like this and i know today will be a good day even thou it is 12.30pm now and im still in my pj's

Scotty B

New member
im gonna go make a bacon sarnie to make me feel 10X better than i do now and i feel frikin' awsome and im meeting up wit ma sister in about an hour so that will be cool


New member
Tired and completely over everything thats going on at the moment. I basically feel alone, tired, bored and paranoid. I'm sick of acting happy to cover it up... I'm sick of pretending I'm happy.

Thats all,

Pete out.



New member
I'm alright...but not really excited about my Math studying that's gonna come today...tomorrow we're takin an exam...


New member
tired....just another 2 days...and the....holidays!!!! ...can't waait..til then.....just one more exam.....tomorrow..... -_-'' ------> have to go study......


New member
Anxious - at LPU chat awaiting big day... but really just tired - tired and anxious... not the best combination for a night prior to sleep - if I sleep that is :eek: hehehe

9hrs and counting...

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