The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
got work and as usual dont wanna go - at least I have two days off after tonight's second shift so that's something to really look forward to... even if... um... I sorta dont have any plans for my days off... hmm...


New member
I'm hungry too.

And scared, we just had a power cut, the thunderstorm is getting baaaaad.

My mum keeps warning me that the computer will explode lol.



New member
i'm ok...i just came home from a driver's licence course........i don't know how to say it in other you don't's ok :D

crazy robster

New member
I'm so stupidly emotional, I cry so easily these last few days. At least now I have a good reason to cry it's not out of sorrow... :) *snuffle*


New member
I had about 2 hours sleep on my mates sofa wooooooo

I <3 crashing post-exam raves lol.

"That's what she said!"

Ahhh funny night... and morning.

We watched classic Star Trek and then atabout 4am decided that it'd be fun to watch Jurassic Park.

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