The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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tengo calor...

(im hot...)

im worried because I need someone who speaks exceptional french to help me with my homework >.<



New member
i badly need to kill someone right now......

elaborated on it in my journal...but deleted cuz the admin might think it offensive



New member
>.> you will help me with MY french essay! *points*

all i gotta do is three paragraphs... it shouldn't be difficult hehehe...

blah i feel tired now...



New member
feel sick now, the uk has been put on critical terror alert because one of our airports have been attacked by terrorists. i just want my kids to land safe and come home.


New member
today i had a test for driver's licence and i passed it :D

but i'm feeling horrible because i'm fighting with my friend for like 3 days...and i'm sick of it.....and tomorrow i have a birthday party and i think she is going to screw it.....



New member
feel sick now, the uk has been put on critical terror alert because one of our airports have been attacked by terrorists. i just want my kids to land safe and come home.
*****, they're going to be fine allie.

i just came back from my first party NOT DRUNK!! we'll i did have some alcohol but it was an accident. basically, i pour out some fanta from a jug and took a sip and it had something in it so i just put it back! so proud, got my first bit of temptation and i didnt cave in!



New member
Out of Place, Very out of place....

...I don't even know most these ppl in my room o_O

(My fisrt time feelin outta place at home)



New member
Out of Place, Very out of place.......I don't even know most these ppl in my room o_O

(My fisrt time feelin outta place at home)
i know the feeling... *remembers* oh *** thats not good at all....



New member
i know the feeling... *remembers* oh *** thats not good at all....
I know but right now It's gettin late and I'll probably go out for a walk now

I just hope they'll be gone by the time I get home -.-;



New member

dunno if i like her or not...

i flirt with her SOO much but I say to myself i don't like her... >.<

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