The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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New member
I feel tired, and kinda confused, cause here we have to change time. On autumn, forward, and on spring, backwards... (It´s the daylight savings time, or something like that, I don´t remember) So I didn´t remember that... That´s why I´m kinda confused.


New member
I feel like going and putting some warmer clothes on since i can feel my feet freezing.... .... .... :'(


New member
I'm good... I finally saw the new P!ATD vid!!!!!!!!! zommmgggzzz.

And heard the new FFAF song ^.^

But my eye is twitching :|

Stupid clocks.



New member
WHY OH WHY..did i let my mother talk me into getting my hair cut on sunday. it isnt a hair cut its more of a the women hacked off you much. ...Now mu hair is uber short.


New member
lost alone tired restless not hungry at all though ive not eaten for a few days nuw wasted gloomy scared paranoid excited to die sooo weak lonely
my eeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!! and liiiiiiiiiiiiippppppppppppssssss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

they are killing me... LOL

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