The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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ok get ready for a rant.....

i'm extremely ****ing mad!!!!

some kids acros the road from me has just got a huge stone, put it in a sling shot and fired it at my nephew. he has a huge bruise and it very upset. my nephew is 11 and the kid is 9. i know hes much younger but this kid is a nightmare!!!!

so me and andy went to his house and his mother was stood at the door, i went mad at her telling her she needs to get control of him, she made up excuse after excuse for his behaviour (none of them were reasonable excuses) so i told her she needs to get off her fat ass and control him. it ended up with me screaming at her and telling her to get some backbone. i also as i walked away told the kid that if he went near my kids agin i would mash up his mums face till he couldn't recognise her again.

i phoned the police and told them and they are coming to see us. i'm so sick of kids that are out of control. i had my eldest when i was 18 and she is such a good girl as are all my kids. some people are just lazy and can't be arsed.

rant over!!!
Pretty good, got a chocolate crossiant and some scampi from sainsburies! But Gina wasn't there
:( Ah well, i'll see her tommorrow at the BBQ :D
See me. I HATE little kids. no seriously i HATE THEM. they ruin my ****. they annoy me. they act like I care. omg i swear my pressure aways raises around them. I GO CRAZY.
Lol ill go rot in jail with u allie...well as long as im back before supper
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