The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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I am mixed as usual!
I feel nice cause Mark called out of the blue so I was like yay!
But then my brother was pissing me off and the PC is being sloooow and my parents aren't speaking again and I really need to talk to them about going Jersey but they won't discuss it together because they're too childish! BAH!
I'm pissed I wanna beat those freakin internet people up for keeping me offline while i desperately needed to be on, I don't feel like going to work and generally I feel bad!
I don't head is in a weird mood...maybe because of that Manson CD that is playing
I don't head is in a weird mood...maybe because of that Manson CD that is playing

Well your mind is being corrupted as you speak lol

I'm felling kinda tired,but happy because i only had half a day of school
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