The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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Pissed off...Got into a fight not to long ago.
It will all blow over sooner or later.
haha but it felt good beating the **** outta someone.
I'm fine...just not really happy with the fact that I'm writing an essay at Slovene tomorrow...I'm trying not to bother about it right now...even though I have no clue about that book, lol...I'm eating my first ice-cream this year for ****'s sake!:D
tengo calor...
(im hot...)

im worried because I need someone who speaks exceptional french to help me with my homework >.<
>.> you will help me with MY french essay! *points*
all i gotta do is three paragraphs... it shouldn't be difficult hehehe...

blah i feel tired now...
today i had a test for driver's licence and i passed it :D

but i'm feeling horrible because i'm fighting with my friend for like 3 days...and i'm sick of it.....and tomorrow i have a birthday party and i think she is going to screw it.....
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