The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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I feel tired, and kinda confused, cause here we have to change time. On autumn, forward, and on spring, backwards... (It´s the daylight savings time, or something like that, I don´t remember) So I didn´t remember that... That´s why I´m kinda confused.
I'm good... I finally saw the new P!ATD vid!!!!!!!!! zommmgggzzz.
And heard the new FFAF song ^.^

But my eye is twitching :|
Stupid clocks.
not good... I'm failing probably 2 courses, trying to balance homework with 'me' time (not successfully I might add) and have to write 2 more pages for my paper in the next 2 hours and do some 30 pages of reading for US history... at least the good thing is that the reading isn't dealing with politics atm, it's dealing with WWII, yea!!!
not good... I'm failing probably 2 courses, trying to balance homework with 'me' time (not successfully I might add) and have to write 2 more pages for my paper in the next 2 hours and do some 30 pages of reading for US history... at least the good thing is that the reading isn't dealing with politics atm, it's dealing with WWII, yea!!!

OMFG, i love Nny. (in your sig)

in fact, the original artwork i butchered to make my sig, was a piece by jhonen v. !!!
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