The 'How you feelin'' thread v4.0

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I'm feeling really mad. This morning, we found out that the wall on our front yard got badly painted with swearing words and s*** like that.:eek: Some of our solar lamps also got smashed. If I know who it was, I'd shoot them with a machine gun,er...if I have one:rolleyes:; or stab them with my long sharp blade.>:eek: Those f***tards also did the same thing to other places in our neighbourhood. S***! But the nice thing is that everyone in our neighbourhood is very caring. They came over to our place (and other places) to cheer us up. They also took photos of the incident and rang the police for us. I found it kinda fun when the police visited us and helped us sort it out.:)
I feel eh.. interrupted. I was having fun with remco then my parents call and ask how long I'm planning on staying (twas 1 am xD, forgot the time). so they came to pick me up >_>

mm well I did have fun with him.. just cuddling and laughing.
I feel eh.. interrupted. I was having fun with remco then my parents call and ask how long I'm planning on staying (twas 1 am xD, forgot the time). so they came to pick me up >_>

mm well I did have fun with him.. just cuddling and laughing.

Lol, that sucks they came pick you up
I'm lucky my parents are so easy, they're like : see ya later
yea they don't care if I stay out til however late with my friends but with a boy ooh they're not used to that :p
Just of people who can see their like bf/gf and stuff like really really often and I can't see Mark (even though we're not going out but yeah we are practically) like ever and it's so unfair! =(
Just of people who can see their like bf/gf and stuff like really really often and I can't see Mark (even though we're not going out but yeah we are practically) like ever and it's so unfair! =(
oyea.. I'd feel sad too :( how far away does he live now?
I think you have a thing for summer romances btw :p
i dunno!! i think im getting problems with food, im so hungry but i just cant bring myself to eat atm.

I get that all the time. I've actually had that problem for over 4 years now. And I still don't have any idea why. Sometimes I can just never bring myself to eat, no matter how hungry I am. And then I get real sick, and start fainting and have to go on these disgusting pills. It's not fun. Hopefully you're not that bad. I'm not like that as much anymore, though. Haven't fainted in about a year and a half, so no need for the pills, but sometimes I just can't eat.

It could be depression, because it happened to me a lot when I was depressed. It could be a number of things. But I hope things get better and you can bring yourself to eat soon. Try thinking of your favourite food, and maybe you'll want to eat.
i feel bad.because i dont live in the us,i cant do much of my work as a member of the lpst.i feel like im being too irresponsble now.
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