My goldfish just died! (Blackmoore) Shinodagasm! He was the most active fish I had! Woke up this morning and he was gone... gone to that big fish bowl in the sky. Physically he's in the tank but his fishy spirit has moved on... poor fishy.Bourdon and Bennington are their usual apathetic selves. B1 just sleeps or 'suns' himself beneath the light all day (lazy ***) and B2... well... lets just say he craps a lot. Oh and for some reason he's a socialite with my feeder fish. I call the little buggers B2's groupies. Now Shinoda's gone... *sigh* It's a sad day in my aquatic world...
Aside from that not bad *shrugs* Cold, tired and broke. Almost out of Milo. And I think I need glasses. But hey after all that petty **** all good!
My problem's compared to my late pet Shinoda's are miniscule by comparison huh? :lol:
And thanks Allie. Makeup sounds fantastic! Bet you're almost leaping out of your skin now in anticipation!! Bless ya. Can't wait for the visuals. Gonna be heavenly for you. You deserve it <3