The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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awwwww hunny i know how you feel. when me and andy first got together we could only see eachother once a week for 4 hours and it was horrible.
the point is...I see him...3 times..or....4 times a week..for...I don't know.... let's say....3 hours everytime...but even if I see him everyday I still miss him....the more I see him...the more I miss him..if this makes any sense :confused:

aaaaaah..I just love him sooooo much :)

I feel good :)
i'm not sure.
cause i like another guy.
but i kinda still like neil.
and i don't know what to believe and it's all like gahhh and he's just called me up and was like crying and everything, i felt so bad that i agreed to give him a chance even though my mind's pretty much made up :/
you shouldnt agree on that because you feel's kinda unfair to him
just be honest to him:)

have an exam today..really dont wanna:(
hmm examn didnt went so good i guess
the questions were really ****ed up and weird, everyone thought so, i saw like maybe 3 questions which actually contained the stuff we had to study but oh well maybe because it were mc questions i have some right but i don't count on it lol
feel great..
talking on MSN too much when actually i should be working on a report.. lol

hmm examn didnt went so good i guess
the questions were really ****ed up and weird, everyone thought so, i saw like maybe 3 questions which actually contained the stuff we had to study but oh well maybe because it were mc questions i have some right but i don't count on it lol

aahww that's ****ed up.. it hapens to me... but sometimes, when a exam didnt went so good and i think i'm not gonna pass, at the end i pass.
so, i wish u the best luck! ;)
the point is...I see him...3 times..or....4 times a week..for...I don't know.... let's say....3 hours everytime...but even if I see him everyday I still miss him....the more I see him...the more I miss him..if this makes any sense :confused:

aaaaaah..I just love him sooooo much :)

I feel good :)

yeah hun that makes sense. i live with andy and if i'm off work and he goes to work i miss him soooooo much.
^aaawww noes :( get well soon Allie!

My face is all hot and no not in the meaning of sexy its like uber warm ^^ lol
but besides of that... I'm fine ^^ 2 school days and then one week off and yeh :)
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