The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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did you feel the earthquake last night? bloody woke me up at just before 1am, wich is the reason why i am tired now. andy is cooking me a romatic meal :)

Nothing can wake James from his sleep, NOTHING!

Well, maybe girls can if they want XD
I felt the earthquake, Allie!
I was still awake at 1am... yes I should've been sleeping but I couldn't sleep haha... I was lying there and it proper shook my bed and everything! Didn't wake my mum or brother up though lol. It was exciting, Jonny texted me just after panicking, WTF WAS THAT?! etc :/ I still think it'd have been cooler if it actually WAS aliens invading.

Lol Ace we have a pub night too xD Cept it's on Saturday!

Anyway.. more on topic... I'm grand! My first shift at Maccies is on Monday xD
I have a small headache and I somehow have "Like Toy Soldiers" by Eminnem stuck in my head, despite the fact I've had "The Hardest Button to Button" by the White Stripes and "Whoever Brings the Night" by Nightwish stuck in my head, which kinda annoys me. I wish my parents would just leave me alone.
god, last night it was ABSOLUTELY ****ING AWESOME!!!!! :D
guess i'm still a bit stoned lol

ahh well... sleepy but feeling ****ing great =)
****ing exciting cause i've just known that LP are coming to portugal!!
****ing nervous cause i dont have money (YET!!) and i dont wanna miss them again...
Aczorz, please dont tell me u go to weatherspoons! PLEASE SAY IT ISNT TRUE!

Hahah, I am afraid so. It's cheap, and the food isn't bad. But for a real night out I go to the Granby, one of the best pubs in Stevenage :p

And alision, yeah I would go out on saturdays, but I work until 9 which sucks :( Plus it's always really busy on saturdays and stevenage being stevenage, loads of fights break out then.

My dad was walking home once from the pub and a bunch of chavs ran up behind him and punched him in the face, then ran off.

****ing cowards.
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