The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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dear allie since you've gone over your inbox quota i will reply somewhere i know i can find you

this IS meant to be our trial seperation. I'm on holidays in Sydney and Bathurst, while he's in Wagga. We were supposed to be together for 2 months, but I've been away for almost 2 weeks and haven't since each other for that long and so he turns around and says to me that he's not considering this time period to be part of the relationship cos he doesn't get to see me. WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM? WTF IS WRONG WITH ME? ....Tia my friend has advising me from day one to break up with him, but I just don't want to and I fear I am going to be drivin over the edge with his attitude sometimes. He knows I have and still is going through some pretty heavy self esteem issues and he has the flippin' guts to turn around and say to me
"I want you to change but at the same time I dont want you to change I love you for who you are but you're ****ing driving me up the wall here woman!"
And he has the guts to say also
"Why is it when the problem is you, you try to turn the problem back onto me?"
EXCUSE ME...but wtf am I supposed to do and say when I am the one that is the apparent cause of the relationship collapsing.
I had to laugh at this, he wants us to go into counselling together. **** OFF i won't go to counselling for a guy whom I'm probably never going to marry in the long run.

And that is my bitch for today.
love sarah
like ****....apparently I don't do anything around here and I don't study let me tell you something..I come from school at 3 pm.....on tuesedays at 5 pm....and then I eat lunch and then I study....and I finish with studying at 10 pm...and when I have a break I do the laundry, I iron, I clean the now..tell me..where is the non-doing-anything part????!!!!

i consider a trial separation to be when you spend at least 3 months away from eachother with NO!! contact whatsoever. that way you will know if your happier without him, 2 weeks isn't enough time hun.

It was meant to be 3 weeks but I've had to come back early....
I don't know wtf is wrong with our relationships, it has its ups and downs, it's just gone through a major down and now after the last conversation with him this morning, we're on our up.....I seriously think there's something wrong with me...
there is nothing wrong with you hun, but there is something wrong with you two being together. you clash and are from what i can tell not suited. he sounds like hes very impatient and quick tempered, something wich you don't need, you need someone who will sit and listen to you and understand why you feel the way you do about certain things. in a nutshell you need someone understanding and caring.
there is nothing wrong with you hun, but there is something wrong with you two being together. you clash and are from what i can tell not suited. he sounds like hes very impatient and quick tempered, something wich you don't need, you need someone who will sit and listen to you and understand why you feel the way you do about certain things. in a nutshell you need someone understanding and caring.

My sister said to me today that if I'm in a relationship that I feel like I can't talk to him, I shouldn't be in it to start with, and it really hurts me a lot and it brings on unwanted moodswings with me because yeah, by him telling me there's something wrong with me, i am at the point where as demonstrated by the previous post I'm questioning my ability to make decisions and judge properly between right and wrong within the boundaries between him and me. Like, he is, by zodiac, a Libra while I am a Gemini and he's stubborn and I am more indecisive and that's really conflicting. Sometimes I am ready to say "Hey! Let's be friends just like you've always wanted us to be just as!" but it's my kindness that gets in the way and even my mother has said it, I've been in abusive relationships before and it took me 9 months to break it off with the guy. And like my sister said (and you), I shouldn't be with a guy that makes me feel like I am in a nutshell. Mean, right now, I am having interesting convos with him now about the rise and the fall of Hitler. Like, yes it was only a couple of hours that I had known this guy until we were drunkly making out at a uni party. I even thought at one moment that he was gay....but like there's good things i like about him, he's ****ing random like I am, we love having interesting debates like how apparently australia is a dictatorship because of it's voting regulations, we socialise fine, he doesn't physically put me down, like he doesn't call me fat (like previous bfs have done) or anything like that and he only bags me out when he tries to cheer me up.

Peterdea - she has someone's just gotta bump it up I remember seeing it "Ask Allie" it was called. I just didn't want to bump it up that's all.
My sister said to me today that if I'm in a relationship that I feel like I can't talk to him, I shouldn't be in it to start with, and it really hurts me a lot and it brings on unwanted moodswings with me because yeah, by him telling me there's something wrong with me, i am at the point where as demonstrated by the previous post I'm questioning my ability to make decisions and judge properly between right and wrong within the boundaries between him and me. Like, he is, by zodiac, a Libra while I am a Gemini and he's stubborn and I am more indecisive and that's really conflicting. Sometimes I am ready to say "Hey! Let's be friends just like you've always wanted us to be just as!" but it's my kindness that gets in the way and even my mother has said it, I've been in abusive relationships before and it took me 9 months to break it off with the guy. And like my sister said (and you), I shouldn't be with a guy that makes me feel like I am in a nutshell. Mean, right now, I am having interesting convos with him now about the rise and the fall of Hitler. Like, yes it was only a couple of hours that I had known this guy until we were drunkly making out at a uni party. I even thought at one moment that he was gay....but like there's good things i like about him, he's ****ing random like I am, we love having interesting debates like how apparently australia is a dictatorship because of it's voting regulations, we socialise fine, he doesn't physically put me down, like he doesn't call me fat (like previous bfs have done) or anything like that and he only bags me out when he tries to cheer me up.

Peterdea - she has someone's just gotta bump it up I remember seeing it "Ask Allie" it was called. I just didn't want to bump it up that's all.

you need to sit and make a list "pros and cons" whats good about your relationship and whats bad, then decide if its more good or bad.
you need to sit and make a list "pros and cons" whats good about your relationship and whats bad, then decide if its more good or bad.
I thought of doing that at one stage but I got told I was blowing everything out of proportion and I should just quit while I am ahead.
Anywho, I'll try to catch you on msn aunt allie.
and thankies for the advice. you dont know how much it means to me to be told it's not me that's ****ed up.
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