The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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day off!!
going to gym finally..

doing ok
studied all day long, was boring

also helped my dad move all his stuff to his new apartment, was not easy to do, knowing that they wont get back together ever now:(
i'm gonna visit him alot though:)

aww yeah i know how it is *hugs*
sure you two will be together :)
HUZZZAH! Another successful wethers wednesday!! :D

Had about 10 of us there today, lads night out INIT BRUV!
This is halloween this is halloween everybody scream!
Im loving this Manson song!
Good. Me and Daniel talked some more we're probably going to give the relationship another shot or so in a months time. Ergghhhh....uni today, two lectures and a workshop....
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