The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member
Am feeling frustrated...Have hit the wall. Dreaded writer's block. Want to write but hate what comes out. ****... I hate this.
I hate that feeling...*sigh*

Anywho, I am a bit emotionally drained from fighting and crying all day and being the victim of an emotional man that can't get his life sorted out by himself, I feel a bit annoyed at myself, as I keep telling myself your friends were right, why are you still with him, woman? Listen to yourself! I guess now that's blown over, I don't know why I am still telling myself that, when I'm back to norm, when we're back to norm. *hits head against wall* I went to the snow!! That was my highlight for the weekend. I still can't pronounce S's properly, but am talking clearer. Tongue has gone down dramatically, gotta go to the piercer next week to have a check up on all my piercings.

Just say I am a bit emotionally disorganized with myself. Let alone being a bit self-concious lately. Don't know why I know I'm beautiful and all....but I don't know. Had a ****** up dream last night where I looked down and my wrists had been bloodied and cut. I couldn't stop the bleeding. That shook me up when I woke up this morning.



New member
Ugh, I have to go to work soon and don't want to go. Rather stay home and chill. Sucks I don't get 2 consecutive days off, but split up through the week, still tired, but back to baking (and 4:45am starts) as of tomorrow morning I think *groans* Yep, for the next 4 days. ***. Someone shoot me now.


New member
Uni next 4 days and flat broke. Wanna swap?

Me? I'm fine. I can speak properly now and not be considered a complete ******! Can't wait util I get my shorter bar in. But still can't pronounces the sound ssss so I can't even say my own name. I have mastered th and ch sounds. It's a lot harder than one thinks to speak with a piece of metal through your tongue. And oh, I am back to writing. *does happy dance*



New member
*bangs head against wall* writer's block in Tourniquet! Okay, whoever said that writing a book is a breeze deserves to be put in a gas chamber. **** people like John Marsden who make writing a book look like a breeze. *goes and mumbles*


New member
Freakin tired, just got home from work, 10hr shift today, yay for the money, boo for the rest of it ;)


New member
****** annoyed. My mum got pinned under the falling wardrobe and basically she called me and well in all honestly i took my bloodly time to get there. (this is bc my mum cries wolf a lot and calls me for the most mundane things such as changing the tv channel, really!!!, and bringing her the phone which is usually in the same room as her). so i arrive and simply move it off her then i say ''shall i call an ambulance?' to which she replies 'no'. then seconds later the neighbour bangs down the door going into a tirade against me telling me that im selfish and horrid and that hes fed up with me. (Basically, my mum called him when she trapped under the wardrobe saying that i wasnt doing anything to help her). GEEZ. shes such a stirrer. sitting there crying! she wasnt even hurt. ***** sake.


New member
I'm fine...can't wait for the next 3 hours to pass cuz I'm meeting my bf after work...^^
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