the how you feelin thread

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Depressed...I guess. I've been reduced to drinking diet pepsi and forgetting about dinner cause my parents are at each other throat again. *sigh* when will things be normal again?
ugh..sligtly sick, I really should put less chocolat stuff on my bread, this can't be healthy..also depressed, but better than yesterday, because then everyone's home here and it's all fighting going on, but now I'm home alone, oh no lol my lil bro is here too, but he's being a good boy playing with his Lego so he's not bothering me. ;)
Omg Phantom dark is hot.. lol.. he's an anime character and every girl at my school thinks he's hot ^.^

i feel like crap. im tired although i had sleep, depressed although it was not a bad day, and bored although i have things i could do, i geuss ill just add to my journal.
ill be there to read it!
i better get this forum back on track,

i feel like im curious abought what happend to twi.
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