the how you feelin thread

Not open for further replies. bored, keep flicking between hotmail and here and pma...kinda alot of weird looks on the train today
in the paper it sed people who wear black are depressed

im not depressed...

after the shooting with that 17yr old who killed all those people, the article sed, he wore black, loved hitler and got teased

y is him wearing black relevant to that story?
Im ok, another...4 day weekend. Going to Moncton, N.B until Sunday, come back have to study for a test, monday busy. So i don't really get to do any of my things, but oh well.
VinnyTheory said:
*hugs you*
whats the problem?
aww *hugs ya back*
the problem is over now so not to worry about me, I hope you´re feeling better now!

today I´m feeling neutral..sometimes down sometimes happy...yeeaahh.
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