The Imperial Princess Pelosi Adorns Herself w/16K of tax-paid Flowers



So what's new?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spent $16,000 on flowers since taking office,
one reason why she spent 63 percent more in her high-profile inaugural year
than her low-key predecessor did last year.

Pelosi (D-Calif.) spent a little more than $3 million in the first nine
months of 2007, records show, compared to the $1.8 million Rep. Dennis
Hastert (R-Ill.) spent during the same period in 2006.

Republicans are spending more as well. House Minority Leader John Boehner
(R-Ohio) has increased spending 23 percent above what Pelosi spent when she
held the same job. That would be 16 percent if some of Hastert's closing-out
costs were deducted.

The spending patterns indicate Pelosi is seeking to restore the Speaker's
role as a counterweight to the president and reclaim some of the
responsibilities Hastert had ceded to his aggressive majority leader, Tom
DeLay (R-Texas). Because of their different roles, Pelosi aides say it is
unfair to simply compare Pelosi's spending to Hastert's.

"When Speaker Pelosi took the gavel, it was an historic moment. In the days
since, the Speaker has hosted leaders from across the country and around the
world - opening the People's House to the people and discussing the work of
the 110th Congress," Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami said in response to
e-mailed questions. "There are major new costs associated with setting up
the new office of the new Speaker of the House."

Republicans say Pelosi's office spending undercuts her message that
Democrats are restoring fiscal responsibility to the halls of Congress.

"They could have saved the taxpayer $16,000 by sending out an intern to pick
flowers from the Capitol lawn, but I guess that would have detracted from
the $4 million worth of pork they planted as part of the 'greening'
project," said Brian Kennedy, spokesman for Boehner.

Boehner will be refunding more than $1 million to the treasury from the
money he was allocated, Kennedy said.

Most of the $16,058 that Pelosi charged taxpayers for flowers, Elshami said,
was for the visits of foreign dignitaries, such as Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Jordan's King Abdullah.

"Many of the same dignitaries and international leaders hosted by the White
House . are also hosted by Speaker Pelosi," Elshami said. "This expense is
associated largely with these occasions and other Congress-wide, bipartisan

While Hastert didn't appear to spend any money on flowers last year,
bouquets are not new to Pelosi's office. She spent about $5,000 on flowers
last year when she was minority leader.

Attempts to find out how much the White House spends on flowers were

The increase from Hastert to Pelosi was driven largely by a surge in travel
and a heavily fortified payroll.

Pelosi has more people working for her. Hastert employed 35 people during
the third quarter of last year. Pelosi, by contrast, had 51 people on her
payroll during the same time period.

"As the first Democratic Speaker in 12 years, there was a responsibility to
the American people and the Democratic Caucus to hit the ground running and
to pass the New Direction agenda," Elshami said. "To achieve this goal, more
resources were needed, including the hiring of additional staff in policy
and research areas, for example."

Another factor in the disparity is travel. Hastert didn't bill much official
travel last year, spending only about $1,700, while Pelosi racked up many
times that at nearly $60,000 - a figure that does not include her
"congressional delegation" journeys to Europe and the Middle East. It does,
however, include many visits to congressional districts.

"As the first woman Speaker of the House and first Democratic Speaker in 12
years, there continues to be a demand for her to travel across the country
to appear in congressional districts with members, to meet with local press
and editorial boards, and to meet with representatives of the private
sector," Elshami said.

Pelosi also has use of a "legislative floor activity" account, while Boehner
controls extra money for "minority employees," which include his employees
and those of other Republican leaders.

If those accounts are factored in, Pelosi's spending increased 52 percent,
and Boehner's spending increased 12 percent.

The spending information is contained in thick books issued quarterly called
the Statement of Disbursements of the House. Some call them "brown books"
for their beige covers (Senate books are green). Others call them "bitch
books," because congressional staffers look up their counterparts' salaries,
then complain to their bosses if they're paid less.

The books are often used to check spending of members' representational
allowance, which in 2007 ranged from $1,262,065 to $1,600,539. Each member
of leadership has an MRA account for his or her district office, and a
separate account to cover the leadership office.

Under a continuing resolution passed in February, House members got $555
million for their MRAs, and leaders were allocated $24 million.

Other expenses in Pelosi's office include:

.. A $10,000 contract to former Clinton White House speechwriter Heather
Hurlburt to write the speech Pelosi delivered to the Israeli Knesset.

.. Nearly $20,000 to Washington attorney Richard Meltzer to help with Pelosi's
transition. "Just like a presidential transition, Richard Meltzer was hired
to oversee the historic changeover of Congress," Elshami said.

.. More than $2,400 to hire a makeup artist for the week of her swearing in.
Pelosi later reimbursed the entire cost from her personal funds.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has spent 1 percent more than
Boehner spent when he was majority leader. Boehner was elected majority
leader in early February 2006. The office is shrinking from the days of
DeLay, who had 29 staffers in 2004. Hoyer had 23 employees in September.

As minority leader, Boehner has carried $127,000 to cover the costs of
transitioning from Hastert's tenure and archiving Hastert's materials.
Beyond that, he has spent more from his minority leader accounts than Pelosi
did on services and some salaries.

"Mr. Boehner handles the office books the same way he'd like to see the
federal budget administered, which is why he returned to the Treasury
roughly $1 million from FY06 and is on track to best that number for FY07,"
Kennedy said. "Any modest increase in expenditures this year over last
reflects the additional responsibilities he assumed as the highest-ranking
Republican in the House."

The biggest swings were in some of the lower-profile offices.

House Minority Conference Chairman Adam Putnam's (R-Fla.) office spent 58
percent more than Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) when he was the minority caucus

A spokesman for Putnam said he absorbed many departure costs for the
outgoing conference chairwoman, Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-Ohio). For example,
many departure bonuses were paid to Pryce's employees this year, counting
toward Putnam's total. The disbursement books show Putnam has spent about
$200,000 less than Pryce did last year.

The biggest percentage decrease was for the Democratic Steering and Policy
Committee, run by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.). The committee spent 28
percent less this year.

Putnam's office said it is fairer to compare the spending of the whole
Republican conference, steering and policy operations to the Democratic
caucus, steering and policy operations.

Money is distributed evenly between the Republicans and Democrats for those
functions, and the party leaders decide how to allocate them.

Under that calculation, Republicans spent 18 percent less than they did last
year while Democrats' spending rose 4 percent over last year. Democrats,
however, say that is not a legitimate comparison.
"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> So what's new?

This kind of rightarded nonsense is why you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons
can't win elections.
Greg Brown wrote:
> On Dec 13, 5:18 am, "Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names"
> <> wrote:
>> On Dec 12, 10:05 pm, "MioMyo" <> wrote:
>>> So what's new?

>> [ nothing of any value snipped ]
>> Tell me about:
>> -- WMD in Iraq
>> -- Iran's nuclear weapons
>> -- George Bush's deficit
>> -- $1.5 TRILLION for Bush's war in Iraq
>> -- Working-class and middle-class wages, financial conditions
>> stagnant or declining

> SOP for liberals when they can't defend their own. They sinply
> attempt to change the subject and point to other issues.

Yes, to something significant to Americans instead of the same old
diversionary bullshit fed out by the Limbo wing of the Republican party
<> wrote in message
On 13 d
"Dave Fritzinger" <> wrote in message
On Dec 13, 7:20 am, wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2:04 am, wrote:
> > On 13 d
<> wrote in message
On 13 Dez., 18:20, wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2:04 am, wrote:
> > On 13 d
"Greg Brown" <> wrote in message
> SOP for liberals when they can't defend their own. They sinply
> attempt to change the subject and point to other issues.

This kind of rightarded nonsense is why you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons
can't win elections.
"Dave Fritzinger" <> wrote in message
> On Dec 13, 7:20 am, wrote:

>> Just one or two questions for you, regarding WMD in Iraq, do you
>> recall a few weeks ago the bombing of a nuclear site in Syria? Where
>> do you think the materials use by Syrians to build the site came
>> from?

>N. Korea...

Unfortunately, it was a rhetorical question - so the answer will be ignored
by Evangelical Republicans.
Instead, they choose to believe that Syria's nuclear material came from an
imaginary fleet of Nukes sent over by Iraq.
"snausages" <> wrote in message
> On Dec 13, 3:13 am, "llorT kreM gliB" <> wrote:

>> This kind of rightarded nonsense is why you KKKrooKKKed lying
>> repugnigoons
>> can't win elections.

> I'm no fan of Pelosi. She backed down too many times from Bush.
> She's a coward and should step down as Speaker of the House.

It's wild to see you anonymous Bush loyalists, still defending him, but
trying to pretend they're not.

It's no wonder you post anonymously.
Your family would shame you, if they knew what you write here.
So who cares????

We've wasted billions on a "war" that will never be won and you're bitching
about flowers???

"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> So what's new?
> House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spent $16,000 on flowers since taking

> one reason why she spent 63 percent more in her high-profile inaugural

> than her low-key predecessor did last year.
> Pelosi (D-Calif.) spent a little more than $3 million in the first nine
> months of 2007, records show, compared to the $1.8 million Rep. Dennis
> Hastert (R-Ill.) spent during the same period in 2006.
> Republicans are spending more as well. House Minority Leader John Boehner
> (R-Ohio) has increased spending 23 percent above what Pelosi spent when

> held the same job. That would be 16 percent if some of Hastert's

> costs were deducted.
> The spending patterns indicate Pelosi is seeking to restore the Speaker's
> role as a counterweight to the president and reclaim some of the
> responsibilities Hastert had ceded to his aggressive majority leader, Tom
> DeLay (R-Texas). Because of their different roles, Pelosi aides say it is
> unfair to simply compare Pelosi's spending to Hastert's.
> "When Speaker Pelosi took the gavel, it was an historic moment. In the

> since, the Speaker has hosted leaders from across the country and around

> world - opening the People's House to the people and discussing the work

> the 110th Congress," Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami said in response to
> e-mailed questions. "There are major new costs associated with setting up
> the new office of the new Speaker of the House."
> Republicans say Pelosi's office spending undercuts her message that
> Democrats are restoring fiscal responsibility to the halls of Congress.
> "They could have saved the taxpayer $16,000 by sending out an intern to

> flowers from the Capitol lawn, but I guess that would have detracted from
> the $4 million worth of pork they planted as part of the 'greening'
> project," said Brian Kennedy, spokesman for Boehner.
> Boehner will be refunding more than $1 million to the treasury from the
> money he was allocated, Kennedy said.
> Most of the $16,058 that Pelosi charged taxpayers for flowers, Elshami

> was for the visits of foreign dignitaries, such as Israeli Prime Minister
> Ehud Olmert, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Jordan's King Abdullah.
> "Many of the same dignitaries and international leaders hosted by the

> House . are also hosted by Speaker Pelosi," Elshami said. "This expense is
> associated largely with these occasions and other Congress-wide,

> events"
> While Hastert didn't appear to spend any money on flowers last year,
> bouquets are not new to Pelosi's office. She spent about $5,000 on flowers
> last year when she was minority leader.
> Attempts to find out how much the White House spends on flowers were
> unsuccessful.
> The increase from Hastert to Pelosi was driven largely by a surge in

> and a heavily fortified payroll.
> Pelosi has more people working for her. Hastert employed 35 people during
> the third quarter of last year. Pelosi, by contrast, had 51 people on her
> payroll during the same time period.
> "As the first Democratic Speaker in 12 years, there was a responsibility

> the American people and the Democratic Caucus to hit the ground running

> to pass the New Direction agenda," Elshami said. "To achieve this goal,

> resources were needed, including the hiring of additional staff in policy
> and research areas, for example."
> Another factor in the disparity is travel. Hastert didn't bill much

> travel last year, spending only about $1,700, while Pelosi racked up many

> times that at nearly $60,000 - a figure that does not include her
> "congressional delegation" journeys to Europe and the Middle East. It

> however, include many visits to congressional districts.
> "As the first woman Speaker of the House and first Democratic Speaker in

> years, there continues to be a demand for her to travel across the country
> to appear in congressional districts with members, to meet with local

> and editorial boards, and to meet with representatives of the private
> sector," Elshami said.
> Pelosi also has use of a "legislative floor activity" account, while

> controls extra money for "minority employees," which include his employees
> and those of other Republican leaders.
> If those accounts are factored in, Pelosi's spending increased 52 percent,
> and Boehner's spending increased 12 percent.
> The spending information is contained in thick books issued quarterly

> the Statement of Disbursements of the House. Some call them "brown books"
> for their beige covers (Senate books are green). Others call them "bitch
> books," because congressional staffers look up their counterparts'

> then complain to their bosses if they're paid less.
> The books are often used to check spending of members' representational
> allowance, which in 2007 ranged from $1,262,065 to $1,600,539. Each member
> of leadership has an MRA account for his or her district office, and a
> separate account to cover the leadership office.
> Under a continuing resolution passed in February, House members got $555
> million for their MRAs, and leaders were allocated $24 million.
> Other expenses in Pelosi's office include:
> . A $10,000 contract to former Clinton White House speechwriter Heather
> Hurlburt to write the speech Pelosi delivered to the Israeli Knesset.
> . Nearly $20,000 to Washington attorney Richard Meltzer to help with

> transition. "Just like a presidential transition, Richard Meltzer was

> to oversee the historic changeover of Congress," Elshami said.
> . More than $2,400 to hire a makeup artist for the week of her swearing

> Pelosi later reimbursed the entire cost from her personal funds.
> House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has spent 1 percent more than
> Boehner spent when he was majority leader. Boehner was elected majority
> leader in early February 2006. The office is shrinking from the days of
> DeLay, who had 29 staffers in 2004. Hoyer had 23 employees in September.
> As minority leader, Boehner has carried $127,000 to cover the costs of
> transitioning from Hastert's tenure and archiving Hastert's materials.
> Beyond that, he has spent more from his minority leader accounts than

> did on services and some salaries.
> "Mr. Boehner handles the office books the same way he'd like to see the
> federal budget administered, which is why he returned to the Treasury
> roughly $1 million from FY06 and is on track to best that number for

> Kennedy said. "Any modest increase in expenditures this year over last
> reflects the additional responsibilities he assumed as the highest-ranking
> Republican in the House."
> The biggest swings were in some of the lower-profile offices.
> House Minority Conference Chairman Adam Putnam's (R-Fla.) office spent 58
> percent more than Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) when he was the minority

> chairman.
> A spokesman for Putnam said he absorbed many departure costs for the
> outgoing conference chairwoman, Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-Ohio). For example,
> many departure bonuses were paid to Pryce's employees this year, counting
> toward Putnam's total. The disbursement books show Putnam has spent about
> $200,000 less than Pryce did last year.
> The biggest percentage decrease was for the Democratic Steering and Policy
> Committee, run by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.). The committee spent 28
> percent less this year.
> Putnam's office said it is fairer to compare the spending of the whole
> Republican conference, steering and policy operations to the Democratic
> caucus, steering and policy operations.
> Money is distributed evenly between the Republicans and Democrats for

> functions, and the party leaders decide how to allocate them.
> Under that calculation, Republicans spent 18 percent less than they did

> year while Democrats' spending rose 4 percent over last year. Democrats,
> however, say that is not a legitimate comparison.
"Greg Brown" <> wrote in message
> On Dec 13, 5:18 am, "Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names"
> <> wrote:
>> On Dec 12, 10:05 pm, "MioMyo" <> wrote:
>> > So what's new?

>> [ nothing of any value snipped ]
>> Tell me about:
>> -- WMD in Iraq
>> -- Iran's nuclear weapons
>> -- George Bush's deficit
>> -- $1.5 TRILLION for Bush's war in Iraq
>> -- Working-class and middle-class wages, financial conditions stagnant
>> or declining

> SOP for liberals when they can't defend their own. They sinply
> attempt to change the subject and point to other issues.

"Defend"? So who needs to "defend"? OK, make an issue out of flowers, big
deal - no brave young Americans died while delivering flowers - how many
died delivering $billion in Iraqi oil to bush and cheney buddies?
I don't consider the war a waste, as neither does the Honorable President
nor do both Congressional democrats & Republicans or at least the ones who
voted for it & continue to vote for funding it, even though they spew
rhetoric to the contrary. But we all know why Congressional democrats say
one thing and do another though, that is besides that they are hypocrites,
it is because they need to continue duping the moronic fringe, wacked-out
left wing dumbshits like you lib!

On the other hand, I consider when the wanna-be Imperial Princess Pelosi
adorns herself with 16K in flowers, yes I consider it a waste lib!

"robw" <> wrote in message
> So who cares????
> We've wasted billions on a "war" that will never be won and you're
> bitching
> about flowers???
> "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> news:ak18j.7385$
>> So what's new?

>> House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spent $16,000 on flowers since taking

> office,
>> one reason why she spent 63 percent more in her high-profile inaugural

> year
>> than her low-key predecessor did last year.
>> Pelosi (D-Calif.) spent a little more than $3 million in the first nine
>> months of 2007, records show, compared to the $1.8 million Rep. Dennis
>> Hastert (R-Ill.) spent during the same period in 2006.
>> Republicans are spending more as well. House Minority Leader John Boehner
>> (R-Ohio) has increased spending 23 percent above what Pelosi spent when

> she
>> held the same job. That would be 16 percent if some of Hastert's

> closing-out
>> costs were deducted.
>> The spending patterns indicate Pelosi is seeking to restore the Speaker's
>> role as a counterweight to the president and reclaim some of the
>> responsibilities Hastert had ceded to his aggressive majority leader, Tom
>> DeLay (R-Texas). Because of their different roles, Pelosi aides say it is
>> unfair to simply compare Pelosi's spending to Hastert's.
>> "When Speaker Pelosi took the gavel, it was an historic moment. In the

> days
>> since, the Speaker has hosted leaders from across the country and around

> the
>> world - opening the People's House to the people and discussing the work

> of
>> the 110th Congress," Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami said in response to
>> e-mailed questions. "There are major new costs associated with setting up
>> the new office of the new Speaker of the House."
>> Republicans say Pelosi's office spending undercuts her message that
>> Democrats are restoring fiscal responsibility to the halls of Congress.
>> "They could have saved the taxpayer $16,000 by sending out an intern to

> pick
>> flowers from the Capitol lawn, but I guess that would have detracted from
>> the $4 million worth of pork they planted as part of the 'greening'
>> project," said Brian Kennedy, spokesman for Boehner.
>> Boehner will be refunding more than $1 million to the treasury from the
>> money he was allocated, Kennedy said.
>> Most of the $16,058 that Pelosi charged taxpayers for flowers, Elshami

> said,
>> was for the visits of foreign dignitaries, such as Israeli Prime Minister
>> Ehud Olmert, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Jordan's King Abdullah.
>> "Many of the same dignitaries and international leaders hosted by the

> White
>> House . are also hosted by Speaker Pelosi," Elshami said. "This expense
>> is
>> associated largely with these occasions and other Congress-wide,

> bipartisan
>> events"
>> While Hastert didn't appear to spend any money on flowers last year,
>> bouquets are not new to Pelosi's office. She spent about $5,000 on
>> flowers
>> last year when she was minority leader.
>> Attempts to find out how much the White House spends on flowers were
>> unsuccessful.
>> The increase from Hastert to Pelosi was driven largely by a surge in

> travel
>> and a heavily fortified payroll.
>> Pelosi has more people working for her. Hastert employed 35 people during
>> the third quarter of last year. Pelosi, by contrast, had 51 people on her
>> payroll during the same time period.
>> "As the first Democratic Speaker in 12 years, there was a responsibility

> to
>> the American people and the Democratic Caucus to hit the ground running

> and
>> to pass the New Direction agenda," Elshami said. "To achieve this goal,

> more
>> resources were needed, including the hiring of additional staff in policy
>> and research areas, for example."
>> Another factor in the disparity is travel. Hastert didn't bill much

> official
>> travel last year, spending only about $1,700, while Pelosi racked up many

>> times that at nearly $60,000 - a figure that does not include her
>> "congressional delegation" journeys to Europe and the Middle East. It

> does,
>> however, include many visits to congressional districts.
>> "As the first woman Speaker of the House and first Democratic Speaker in

> 12
>> years, there continues to be a demand for her to travel across the
>> country
>> to appear in congressional districts with members, to meet with local

> press
>> and editorial boards, and to meet with representatives of the private
>> sector," Elshami said.
>> Pelosi also has use of a "legislative floor activity" account, while

> Boehner
>> controls extra money for "minority employees," which include his
>> employees
>> and those of other Republican leaders.
>> If those accounts are factored in, Pelosi's spending increased 52
>> percent,
>> and Boehner's spending increased 12 percent.
>> The spending information is contained in thick books issued quarterly

> called
>> the Statement of Disbursements of the House. Some call them "brown books"
>> for their beige covers (Senate books are green). Others call them "bitch
>> books," because congressional staffers look up their counterparts'

> salaries,
>> then complain to their bosses if they're paid less.
>> The books are often used to check spending of members' representational
>> allowance, which in 2007 ranged from $1,262,065 to $1,600,539. Each
>> member
>> of leadership has an MRA account for his or her district office, and a
>> separate account to cover the leadership office.
>> Under a continuing resolution passed in February, House members got $555
>> million for their MRAs, and leaders were allocated $24 million.
>> Other expenses in Pelosi's office include:
>> . A $10,000 contract to former Clinton White House speechwriter Heather
>> Hurlburt to write the speech Pelosi delivered to the Israeli Knesset.
>> . Nearly $20,000 to Washington attorney Richard Meltzer to help with

> Pelosi's
>> transition. "Just like a presidential transition, Richard Meltzer was

> hired
>> to oversee the historic changeover of Congress," Elshami said.
>> . More than $2,400 to hire a makeup artist for the week of her swearing

> in.
>> Pelosi later reimbursed the entire cost from her personal funds.
>> House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has spent 1 percent more than
>> Boehner spent when he was majority leader. Boehner was elected majority
>> leader in early February 2006. The office is shrinking from the days of
>> DeLay, who had 29 staffers in 2004. Hoyer had 23 employees in September.
>> As minority leader, Boehner has carried $127,000 to cover the costs of
>> transitioning from Hastert's tenure and archiving Hastert's materials.
>> Beyond that, he has spent more from his minority leader accounts than

> Pelosi
>> did on services and some salaries.
>> "Mr. Boehner handles the office books the same way he'd like to see the
>> federal budget administered, which is why he returned to the Treasury
>> roughly $1 million from FY06 and is on track to best that number for

> FY07,"
>> Kennedy said. "Any modest increase in expenditures this year over last
>> reflects the additional responsibilities he assumed as the
>> highest-ranking
>> Republican in the House."
>> The biggest swings were in some of the lower-profile offices.
>> House Minority Conference Chairman Adam Putnam's (R-Fla.) office spent 58
>> percent more than Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) when he was the minority

> caucus
>> chairman.
>> A spokesman for Putnam said he absorbed many departure costs for the
>> outgoing conference chairwoman, Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-Ohio). For example,
>> many departure bonuses were paid to Pryce's employees this year, counting
>> toward Putnam's total. The disbursement books show Putnam has spent about
>> $200,000 less than Pryce did last year.
>> The biggest percentage decrease was for the Democratic Steering and
>> Policy
>> Committee, run by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.). The committee spent 28
>> percent less this year.
>> Putnam's office said it is fairer to compare the spending of the whole
>> Republican conference, steering and policy operations to the Democratic
>> caucus, steering and policy operations.
>> Money is distributed evenly between the Republicans and Democrats for

> those
>> functions, and the party leaders decide how to allocate them.
>> Under that calculation, Republicans spent 18 percent less than they did

> last
>> year while Democrats' spending rose 4 percent over last year. Democrats,
>> however, say that is not a legitimate comparison.

"John S." <John S@_________.___> wrote in message
> "Greg Brown" <> wrote in message

>> SOP for liberals when they can't defend their own. They sinply
>> attempt to change the subject and point to other issues.

> "Defend"? So who needs to "defend"? OK, make an issue out of flowers,
> big deal - no brave young Americans died while delivering flowers - how
> many died delivering $billion in Iraqi oil to bush and cheney buddies?

Where have all the flowers gone, long time passing,
Where have all the flowers gone, long time gone,
Where have all the flowers gone,
Young girls picked them everyone.
When will they ever learn, When will they ever learn?

Where have all the young men gone, long time passing,
Where have all the young men gone, long time gone,
Where have all the young men gone,
Died in combat every one.
When will they ever learn, When will they ever learn?
<> wrote in message
> On 15 Dez., 13:42, "MioMyo" <> wrote:
>> I don't consider the war a waste, as neither does the Honorable President
>> nor do both Congressional democrats & Republicans or at least the ones
>> who
>> voted for it & continue to vote for funding it, even though they spew
>> rhetoric to the contrary. But we all know why Congressional democrats
>> say
>> one thing and do another though, that is besides that they are
>> hypocrites,
>> it is because they need to continue duping the moronic fringe, wacked-out
>> left wing dumbshits like you lib!
>> On the other hand, I consider when the wanna-be Imperial Princess Pelosi
>> adorns herself with 16K in flowers, yes I consider it a waste lib!B

> BTW; bitch, 16 000 divided by 52 weeks makes 308 dollars a week.

Are you trying to impress someone with your arithmetic skills lib?

> Have you bought flowers recently?

Personally, I prefer the personal touch by giving out arrangements from my
own garden.

> Considering that one of her role is to meet diginitaries, I'd say that
> this is pretty reasonable.

So you think her role is to meet dignitaries do you. Do I need to direct to
a US Constitution web link to prove what a moron you are, or a liar,

> Now, wanna discuss the billions this useless war has cost?

I don't consider the war useless or a waste of money, and your foreign-ass
opinion means nothing lib!
"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> I don't consider the war a waste, as neither does the Honorable President
> nor do both Congressional democrats & Republicans or at least the ones who
> voted for it & continue to vote for funding it, even though they spew
> rhetoric to the contrary. But we all know why Congressional democrats say
> one thing and do another though, that is besides that they are hypocrites,
> it is because they need to continue duping the moronic fringe, wacked-out
> left wing dumbshits like you lib!

This kind of rightarded nonsense is why you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons
can't win elections.
"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> Are you trying to impress someone with your arithmetic skills lib?

Or rather your lack thereof.

> Personally, I prefer the personal touch by giving out arrangements from my
> own garden.

Don't you mean the asylum's garden, where you were sent for all of your
inappropriat touching?

> So you think her role is to meet dignitaries do you. Do I need to direct

> a US Constitution web link to prove what a moron you are, or a liar,
> whichever?
> I don't consider the war useless or a waste of money, and your foreign-ass
> opinion means nothing lib!

This kind of rightarded nonsense is why you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons
can't win elections.
<> wrote in message
> MioMyo wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> > On 15 Dez., 13:42, "MioMyo" <> wrote:
>> >> I don't consider the war a waste, as neither does the Honorable
>> >> President
>> >> nor do both Congressional democrats & Republicans or at least the ones
>> >> who
>> >> voted for it & continue to vote for funding it, even though they spew
>> >> rhetoric to the contrary. But we all know why Congressional democrats
>> >> say
>> >> one thing and do another though, that is besides that they are
>> >> hypocrites,
>> >> it is because they need to continue duping the moronic fringe,
>> >> wacked-out
>> >> left wing dumbshits like you lib!
>> >>
>> >> On the other hand, I consider when the wanna-be Imperial Princess
>> >> Pelosi
>> >> adorns herself with 16K in flowers, yes I consider it a waste lib!B
>> >
>> > BTW; bitch, 16 000 divided by 52 weeks makes 308 dollars a week.

>> Are you trying to impress someone with your arithmetic skills lib?
>> > Have you bought flowers recently?

>> Personally, I prefer the personal touch by giving out arrangements from
>> my
>> own garden.
>> > Considering that one of her role is to meet diginitaries, I'd say that
>> > this is pretty reasonable.

>> So you think her role is to meet dignitaries do you. Do I need to direct
>> to
>> a US Constitution web link to prove what a moron you are, or a liar,
>> whichever?
>> > Now, wanna discuss the billions this useless war has cost?

>> I don't consider the war useless or a waste of money, and your
>> foreign-ass
>> opinion means nothing lib!

> Too bad people who share your ****ed up opinion couldn't pay for it
> yourselves.

That's my opinion exactly regarding liberal squandering a lion's share of
the budget. At least in this instance, funding of the war (BY BOTH DEMS AND
REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS) affords you the free speech opportunity to continue
trashing your country and fellow countrymen with whom you ideologically
You just contradicted yourself you moron.

"MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> I don't consider the war a waste, as neither does the Honorable President
> nor do both Congressional democrats & Republicans or at least the ones who
> voted for it & continue to vote for funding it, even though they spew
> rhetoric to the contrary. But we all know why Congressional democrats say
> one thing and do another though, that is besides that they are hypocrites,
> it is because they need to continue duping the moronic fringe, wacked-out
> left wing dumbshits like you lib!
> On the other hand, I consider when the wanna-be Imperial Princess Pelosi
> adorns herself with 16K in flowers, yes I consider it a waste lib!
> "robw" <> wrote in message
> > So who cares????
> >
> > We've wasted billions on a "war" that will never be won and you're
> > bitching
> > about flowers???
> >
> >
> > "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> > news:ak18j.7385$
> >> So what's new?
> >>
> >>

> >
> >>
> >> House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spent $16,000 on flowers since taking

> > office,
> >> one reason why she spent 63 percent more in her high-profile inaugural

> > year
> >> than her low-key predecessor did last year.
> >>
> >> Pelosi (D-Calif.) spent a little more than $3 million in the first nine
> >> months of 2007, records show, compared to the $1.8 million Rep. Dennis
> >> Hastert (R-Ill.) spent during the same period in 2006.
> >>
> >>
> >> Republicans are spending more as well. House Minority Leader John

> >> (R-Ohio) has increased spending 23 percent above what Pelosi spent when

> > she
> >> held the same job. That would be 16 percent if some of Hastert's

> > closing-out
> >> costs were deducted.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> The spending patterns indicate Pelosi is seeking to restore the

> >> role as a counterweight to the president and reclaim some of the
> >> responsibilities Hastert had ceded to his aggressive majority leader,

> >> DeLay (R-Texas). Because of their different roles, Pelosi aides say it

> >> unfair to simply compare Pelosi's spending to Hastert's.
> >>
> >>
> >> "When Speaker Pelosi took the gavel, it was an historic moment. In the

> > days
> >> since, the Speaker has hosted leaders from across the country and

> > the
> >> world - opening the People's House to the people and discussing the

> > of
> >> the 110th Congress," Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami said in response

> >> e-mailed questions. "There are major new costs associated with setting

> >> the new office of the new Speaker of the House."
> >>
> >>
> >> Republicans say Pelosi's office spending undercuts her message that
> >> Democrats are restoring fiscal responsibility to the halls of Congress.
> >>
> >>
> >> "They could have saved the taxpayer $16,000 by sending out an intern to

> > pick
> >> flowers from the Capitol lawn, but I guess that would have detracted

> >> the $4 million worth of pork they planted as part of the 'greening'
> >> project," said Brian Kennedy, spokesman for Boehner.
> >>
> >>
> >> Boehner will be refunding more than $1 million to the treasury from the
> >> money he was allocated, Kennedy said.
> >>
> >>
> >> Most of the $16,058 that Pelosi charged taxpayers for flowers, Elshami

> > said,
> >> was for the visits of foreign dignitaries, such as Israeli Prime

> >> Ehud Olmert, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Jordan's King

> >>
> >>
> >> "Many of the same dignitaries and international leaders hosted by the

> > White
> >> House . are also hosted by Speaker Pelosi," Elshami said. "This expense
> >> is
> >> associated largely with these occasions and other Congress-wide,

> > bipartisan
> >> events"
> >>
> >>
> >> While Hastert didn't appear to spend any money on flowers last year,
> >> bouquets are not new to Pelosi's office. She spent about $5,000 on
> >> flowers
> >> last year when she was minority leader.
> >>
> >>
> >> Attempts to find out how much the White House spends on flowers were
> >> unsuccessful.
> >>
> >>
> >> The increase from Hastert to Pelosi was driven largely by a surge in

> > travel
> >> and a heavily fortified payroll.
> >>
> >>
> >> Pelosi has more people working for her. Hastert employed 35 people

> >> the third quarter of last year. Pelosi, by contrast, had 51 people on

> >> payroll during the same time period.
> >>
> >>
> >> "As the first Democratic Speaker in 12 years, there was a

> > to
> >> the American people and the Democratic Caucus to hit the ground running

> > and
> >> to pass the New Direction agenda," Elshami said. "To achieve this goal,

> > more
> >> resources were needed, including the hiring of additional staff in

> >> and research areas, for example."
> >>
> >>
> >> Another factor in the disparity is travel. Hastert didn't bill much

> > official
> >> travel last year, spending only about $1,700, while Pelosi racked up

> >
> >> times that at nearly $60,000 - a figure that does not include her
> >> "congressional delegation" journeys to Europe and the Middle East. It

> > does,
> >> however, include many visits to congressional districts.
> >>
> >>
> >> "As the first woman Speaker of the House and first Democratic Speaker

> > 12
> >> years, there continues to be a demand for her to travel across the
> >> country
> >> to appear in congressional districts with members, to meet with local

> > press
> >> and editorial boards, and to meet with representatives of the private
> >> sector," Elshami said.
> >>
> >>
> >> Pelosi also has use of a "legislative floor activity" account, while

> > Boehner
> >> controls extra money for "minority employees," which include his
> >> employees
> >> and those of other Republican leaders.
> >>
> >> If those accounts are factored in, Pelosi's spending increased 52
> >> percent,
> >> and Boehner's spending increased 12 percent.
> >>
> >>
> >> The spending information is contained in thick books issued quarterly

> > called
> >> the Statement of Disbursements of the House. Some call them "brown

> >> for their beige covers (Senate books are green). Others call them

> >> books," because congressional staffers look up their counterparts'

> > salaries,
> >> then complain to their bosses if they're paid less.
> >>
> >>
> >> The books are often used to check spending of members' representational
> >> allowance, which in 2007 ranged from $1,262,065 to $1,600,539. Each
> >> member
> >> of leadership has an MRA account for his or her district office, and a
> >> separate account to cover the leadership office.
> >>
> >> Under a continuing resolution passed in February, House members got

> >> million for their MRAs, and leaders were allocated $24 million.
> >>
> >>
> >> Other expenses in Pelosi's office include:
> >>
> >>
> >> . A $10,000 contract to former Clinton White House speechwriter

> >> Hurlburt to write the speech Pelosi delivered to the Israeli Knesset.
> >>
> >>
> >> . Nearly $20,000 to Washington attorney Richard Meltzer to help with

> > Pelosi's
> >> transition. "Just like a presidential transition, Richard Meltzer was

> > hired
> >> to oversee the historic changeover of Congress," Elshami said.
> >>
> >>
> >> . More than $2,400 to hire a makeup artist for the week of her swearing

> > in.
> >> Pelosi later reimbursed the entire cost from her personal funds.
> >>
> >>
> >> House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has spent 1 percent more than
> >> Boehner spent when he was majority leader. Boehner was elected majority
> >> leader in early February 2006. The office is shrinking from the days of
> >> DeLay, who had 29 staffers in 2004. Hoyer had 23 employees in

> >>
> >>
> >> As minority leader, Boehner has carried $127,000 to cover the costs of
> >> transitioning from Hastert's tenure and archiving Hastert's materials.
> >> Beyond that, he has spent more from his minority leader accounts than

> > Pelosi
> >> did on services and some salaries.
> >>
> >>
> >> "Mr. Boehner handles the office books the same way he'd like to see the
> >> federal budget administered, which is why he returned to the Treasury
> >> roughly $1 million from FY06 and is on track to best that number for

> > FY07,"
> >> Kennedy said. "Any modest increase in expenditures this year over last
> >> reflects the additional responsibilities he assumed as the
> >> highest-ranking
> >> Republican in the House."
> >>
> >>
> >> The biggest swings were in some of the lower-profile offices.
> >>
> >>
> >> House Minority Conference Chairman Adam Putnam's (R-Fla.) office spent

> >> percent more than Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) when he was the minority

> > caucus
> >> chairman.
> >>
> >>
> >> A spokesman for Putnam said he absorbed many departure costs for the
> >> outgoing conference chairwoman, Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-Ohio). For

> >> many departure bonuses were paid to Pryce's employees this year,

> >> toward Putnam's total. The disbursement books show Putnam has spent

> >> $200,000 less than Pryce did last year.
> >>
> >>
> >> The biggest percentage decrease was for the Democratic Steering and
> >> Policy
> >> Committee, run by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.). The committee spent 28
> >> percent less this year.
> >>
> >>
> >> Putnam's office said it is fairer to compare the spending of the whole
> >> Republican conference, steering and policy operations to the Democratic
> >> caucus, steering and policy operations.
> >>
> >> Money is distributed evenly between the Republicans and Democrats for

> > those
> >> functions, and the party leaders decide how to allocate them.
> >>
> >>
> >> Under that calculation, Republicans spent 18 percent less than they did

> > last
> >> year while Democrats' spending rose 4 percent over last year.

> >> however, say that is not a legitimate comparison.
> >>
> >>
> >>

> >
> >
