The Imperial Princess Pelosi Adorns Herself w/16K of tax-paid Flowers

No I didn't and you saying otherwise doesn't change that fact!

"robw" <> wrote in message
> You just contradicted yourself you moron.
> "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
> news:_YP8j.7630$
>> I don't consider the war a waste, as neither does the Honorable President
>> nor do both Congressional democrats & Republicans or at least the ones
>> who
>> voted for it & continue to vote for funding it, even though they spew
>> rhetoric to the contrary. But we all know why Congressional democrats
>> say
>> one thing and do another though, that is besides that they are
>> hypocrites,
>> it is because they need to continue duping the moronic fringe, wacked-out
>> left wing dumbshits like you lib!
>> On the other hand, I consider when the wanna-be Imperial Princess Pelosi
>> adorns herself with 16K in flowers, yes I consider it a waste lib!
>> "robw" <> wrote in message
>> > So who cares????
>> >
>> > We've wasted billions on a "war" that will never be won and you're
>> > bitching
>> > about flowers???
>> >
>> >
>> > "MioMyo" <> wrote in message
>> > news:ak18j.7385$
>> >> So what's new?
>> >>
>> >>
>> >

>> >>
>> >> House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has spent $16,000 on flowers since taking
>> > office,
>> >> one reason why she spent 63 percent more in her high-profile inaugural
>> > year
>> >> than her low-key predecessor did last year.
>> >>
>> >> Pelosi (D-Calif.) spent a little more than $3 million in the first
>> >> nine
>> >> months of 2007, records show, compared to the $1.8 million Rep. Dennis
>> >> Hastert (R-Ill.) spent during the same period in 2006.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Republicans are spending more as well. House Minority Leader John

> Boehner
>> >> (R-Ohio) has increased spending 23 percent above what Pelosi spent
>> >> when
>> > she
>> >> held the same job. That would be 16 percent if some of Hastert's
>> > closing-out
>> >> costs were deducted.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> The spending patterns indicate Pelosi is seeking to restore the

> Speaker's
>> >> role as a counterweight to the president and reclaim some of the
>> >> responsibilities Hastert had ceded to his aggressive majority leader,

> Tom
>> >> DeLay (R-Texas). Because of their different roles, Pelosi aides say it

> is
>> >> unfair to simply compare Pelosi's spending to Hastert's.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> "When Speaker Pelosi took the gavel, it was an historic moment. In the
>> > days
>> >> since, the Speaker has hosted leaders from across the country and

> around
>> > the
>> >> world - opening the People's House to the people and discussing the

> work
>> > of
>> >> the 110th Congress," Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami said in response

> to
>> >> e-mailed questions. "There are major new costs associated with setting

> up
>> >> the new office of the new Speaker of the House."
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Republicans say Pelosi's office spending undercuts her message that
>> >> Democrats are restoring fiscal responsibility to the halls of
>> >> Congress.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> "They could have saved the taxpayer $16,000 by sending out an intern
>> >> to
>> > pick
>> >> flowers from the Capitol lawn, but I guess that would have detracted

> from
>> >> the $4 million worth of pork they planted as part of the 'greening'
>> >> project," said Brian Kennedy, spokesman for Boehner.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Boehner will be refunding more than $1 million to the treasury from
>> >> the
>> >> money he was allocated, Kennedy said.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Most of the $16,058 that Pelosi charged taxpayers for flowers, Elshami
>> > said,
>> >> was for the visits of foreign dignitaries, such as Israeli Prime

> Minister
>> >> Ehud Olmert, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Jordan's King

> Abdullah.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> "Many of the same dignitaries and international leaders hosted by the
>> > White
>> >> House . are also hosted by Speaker Pelosi," Elshami said. "This
>> >> expense
>> >> is
>> >> associated largely with these occasions and other Congress-wide,
>> > bipartisan
>> >> events"
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> While Hastert didn't appear to spend any money on flowers last year,
>> >> bouquets are not new to Pelosi's office. She spent about $5,000 on
>> >> flowers
>> >> last year when she was minority leader.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Attempts to find out how much the White House spends on flowers were
>> >> unsuccessful.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> The increase from Hastert to Pelosi was driven largely by a surge in
>> > travel
>> >> and a heavily fortified payroll.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Pelosi has more people working for her. Hastert employed 35 people

> during
>> >> the third quarter of last year. Pelosi, by contrast, had 51 people on

> her
>> >> payroll during the same time period.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> "As the first Democratic Speaker in 12 years, there was a

> responsibility
>> > to
>> >> the American people and the Democratic Caucus to hit the ground
>> >> running
>> > and
>> >> to pass the New Direction agenda," Elshami said. "To achieve this
>> >> goal,
>> > more
>> >> resources were needed, including the hiring of additional staff in

> policy
>> >> and research areas, for example."
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Another factor in the disparity is travel. Hastert didn't bill much
>> > official
>> >> travel last year, spending only about $1,700, while Pelosi racked up

> many
>> >
>> >> times that at nearly $60,000 - a figure that does not include her
>> >> "congressional delegation" journeys to Europe and the Middle East. It
>> > does,
>> >> however, include many visits to congressional districts.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> "As the first woman Speaker of the House and first Democratic Speaker

> in
>> > 12
>> >> years, there continues to be a demand for her to travel across the
>> >> country
>> >> to appear in congressional districts with members, to meet with local
>> > press
>> >> and editorial boards, and to meet with representatives of the private
>> >> sector," Elshami said.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Pelosi also has use of a "legislative floor activity" account, while
>> > Boehner
>> >> controls extra money for "minority employees," which include his
>> >> employees
>> >> and those of other Republican leaders.
>> >>
>> >> If those accounts are factored in, Pelosi's spending increased 52
>> >> percent,
>> >> and Boehner's spending increased 12 percent.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> The spending information is contained in thick books issued quarterly
>> > called
>> >> the Statement of Disbursements of the House. Some call them "brown

> books"
>> >> for their beige covers (Senate books are green). Others call them

> "bitch
>> >> books," because congressional staffers look up their counterparts'
>> > salaries,
>> >> then complain to their bosses if they're paid less.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> The books are often used to check spending of members'
>> >> representational
>> >> allowance, which in 2007 ranged from $1,262,065 to $1,600,539. Each
>> >> member
>> >> of leadership has an MRA account for his or her district office, and a
>> >> separate account to cover the leadership office.
>> >>
>> >> Under a continuing resolution passed in February, House members got

> $555
>> >> million for their MRAs, and leaders were allocated $24 million.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Other expenses in Pelosi's office include:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> . A $10,000 contract to former Clinton White House speechwriter

> Heather
>> >> Hurlburt to write the speech Pelosi delivered to the Israeli Knesset.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> . Nearly $20,000 to Washington attorney Richard Meltzer to help with
>> > Pelosi's
>> >> transition. "Just like a presidential transition, Richard Meltzer was
>> > hired
>> >> to oversee the historic changeover of Congress," Elshami said.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> . More than $2,400 to hire a makeup artist for the week of her
>> >> swearing
>> > in.
>> >> Pelosi later reimbursed the entire cost from her personal funds.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) has spent 1 percent more
>> >> than
>> >> Boehner spent when he was majority leader. Boehner was elected
>> >> majority
>> >> leader in early February 2006. The office is shrinking from the days
>> >> of
>> >> DeLay, who had 29 staffers in 2004. Hoyer had 23 employees in

> September.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> As minority leader, Boehner has carried $127,000 to cover the costs of
>> >> transitioning from Hastert's tenure and archiving Hastert's materials.
>> >> Beyond that, he has spent more from his minority leader accounts than
>> > Pelosi
>> >> did on services and some salaries.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> "Mr. Boehner handles the office books the same way he'd like to see
>> >> the
>> >> federal budget administered, which is why he returned to the Treasury
>> >> roughly $1 million from FY06 and is on track to best that number for
>> > FY07,"
>> >> Kennedy said. "Any modest increase in expenditures this year over last
>> >> reflects the additional responsibilities he assumed as the
>> >> highest-ranking
>> >> Republican in the House."
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> The biggest swings were in some of the lower-profile offices.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> House Minority Conference Chairman Adam Putnam's (R-Fla.) office spent

> 58
>> >> percent more than Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-S.C.) when he was the minority
>> > caucus
>> >> chairman.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> A spokesman for Putnam said he absorbed many departure costs for the
>> >> outgoing conference chairwoman, Rep. Deborah Pryce (R-Ohio). For

> example,
>> >> many departure bonuses were paid to Pryce's employees this year,

> counting
>> >> toward Putnam's total. The disbursement books show Putnam has spent

> about
>> >> $200,000 less than Pryce did last year.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> The biggest percentage decrease was for the Democratic Steering and
>> >> Policy
>> >> Committee, run by Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.). The committee spent
>> >> 28
>> >> percent less this year.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Putnam's office said it is fairer to compare the spending of the whole
>> >> Republican conference, steering and policy operations to the
>> >> Democratic
>> >> caucus, steering and policy operations.
>> >>
>> >> Money is distributed evenly between the Republicans and Democrats for
>> > those
>> >> functions, and the party leaders decide how to allocate them.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Under that calculation, Republicans spent 18 percent less than they
>> >> did
>> > last
>> >> year while Democrats' spending rose 4 percent over last year.

> Democrats,
>> >> however, say that is not a legitimate comparison.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >


In article <>,
"robw" <> wrote:

> So who cares????

Not her adoring leftards.

In article <>,
"robw" <> wrote:

> You just contradicted yourself you moron.

No he didn't, you moron.
In article <>,
"robw" <> wrote:

> So who cares????
> We've wasted billions on a "war" that...

....the Princess Pelosi's DemocRAT congress is more than happy to fund.

You gotta problem with that? Take it up with Princess Pelosi.

"MioMyo" <> wrote in message

> That's my opinion exactly regarding liberal squandering a lion's share of
> the budget. At least in this instance, funding of the war (BY BOTH DEMS

> REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS) affords you the free speech opportunity to

> trashing your country and fellow countrymen with whom you ideologically
> disagree!

This kind of rightarded nonsense is why you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons
can't win elections.
"Harold Burton" <> wrote in message

> Not her adoring leftards.

This kind of rightarded nonsense is why you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons
can't win elections.
"Harold Burton" <> wrote in message

> ...the Princess Pelosi's DemocRAT congress is more than happy to fund.
> You gotta problem with that? Take it up with Princess Pelosi.

This kind of rightarded nonsense is why you KKKrooKKKed lying repugnigoons
can't win elections.