The INNER Gender War.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2005
So we don't derail another thread, let's discuss something as equally interesting as an intergender war: the INNER gender war.

Is it true that women really do secretly resent each other? Are women really jealous of one another? Do they feel threatened by a more attractive or dominant female?

Men. Are they in a constant chest-beating struggle to become the alpha male? Although women may be stereotypically competitive in the "looks war" are men just as guilty as they chase after the alpha female in nature?
It definitely happens, but it's not with all people.
If a woman is shallow or insecure, yeah she'll resent other women she thinks are prettier than her. Same with men. I've known people of both genders who get jealous of more attractive people.
But then there are the people who aren't focused on looks. So... partially true.

Oh and... not to be a nazi but I think you mean "Intragender"?
ParasiteGod said:
It definitely happens, but it's not with all people.

There will always be an exception to the rule but do you think it is mostly true or just sometimes true?

If a woman is shallow or insecure, yeah she'll resent other women she thinks are prettier than her.

As long as they are not after my husband, I couldn't care less. BUT, I will be honest here and say that I have been jealous of other women in the past. Without fail, I always had a beautiful friend in my social circle who the guys would just naturally flock to. It stopped bothering me after High School, though. As long as they don't try to make it a competition and are not conceited, more power to them.

Same with men. I've known people of both genders who get jealous of more attractive people.

Really? I don't recall ever knowing a guy who was jealous of another man's looks. However, if they were, they would probably not admit it anyways.

Oh and... not to be a nazi but I think you mean "Intragender"?

Had a feeling I messed that up somehow. :eek:
Phantom said:
Really? I don't recall ever knowing a guy who was jealous of another man's looks. However, if they were, they would probably not admit it anyways.
I think in our society, men are more jealous of one another over material possessions and wealth.
We are all well aware that a hot muscular guy with great hair and perfect teeth poses no threat while driving a rusty Datsun.
Jhony5 said:
I think in our society, men are more jealous of one another over material possessions and wealth.
We are all well aware that a hot muscular guy with great hair and perfect teeth poses no threat while driving a rusty Datsun.

As the old adage goes, women have power through their physical appearance while men have power through their wealth. Not 100% true (hardly anything is) but interesting, nonetheless.

I would have to agree with you. Women tend to be competitive in regards to appearances and men tend to be competitive with their monetary status.
Women, will get jealous of their best female friend if she gets more attention from someone of the opposite sex. Doesn't have to be in a sexual manner either.

You have proven this theory time and time again Phantom.

You are a very insecure person.

But don't worry, you don't need therapy to help cure you, your only a woman. It's not your fault.

Insecure women NEED to feel pretty to reinforce their own egos. They feel stronger and more confident about almost everything if they think they look good. But feel less confident if someone else, in their opinions.. looks better.

The strongest, most confident women, are the ones who would rather NOT try looking good to everyone else... They usually find people respect them for who they are.
A lot of times women will only go to a male stylist because supposedly only a man will want to make her look perfect. A female stylist is secretly envious and will therefore leave the woman just shy of perfection.

I could see a really shallow, insecure woman pulling a stunt like that.
phreakwars said:
Women, will get jealous of their best female friend if she gets more attention from someone of the opposite sex. Doesn't have to be in a sexual manner either.

What about women who actually feel uncomfortable by the attention and would prefer the attention to go to someone else? Or just want to be left alone?

You have proven this theory time and time again Phantom.

You are a very insecure person.

That's it. You are getting a butt plug for Christmas. Maybe then you will stop talking out your ass.

But don't worry, you don't need therapy to help cure you, your only a woman. It's not your fault.

Shuffling personal responsibility onto stereotypes is the shiznit.

Insecure women NEED to feel pretty to reinforce their own egos. They feel stronger and more confident about almost everything if they think they look good. But feel less confident if someone else, in their opinions.. looks better.

I actually agree with this. Most women (and men, actually) are going to feel better about themselves when they are comfortable in their appearance. It is when one's self esteem depends on their looks that it becomes a problem.

The strongest, most confident women, are the ones who would rather NOT try looking good to everyone else... They usually find people respect them for who they are.

How can you personally tell when someone is looking good for others versus those who do it for themselves? It seems like it would be a difficult distinction to make in some aspects.

Ahhlee said:
A female stylist is secretly envious and will therefore leave the woman just shy of perfection.

I have a personal story regarding this but somethings tells me this is not the place to tell it. :p
Phantom said:
Ahhlee said:
A female stylist is secretly envious and will therefore leave the woman just shy of perfection.

I have a personal story regarding this but somethings tells me this is not the place to tell it. :p
Phantom has a MALE stylist ??:confused:
phreakwars said:
Insecure women NEED to feel pretty to reinforce their own egos.

And that is exactly why I don't have many female friends. I've actually seen more jealously directed towards people's talents rather than their looks, around here anyways. Very rarely do people really talk about people because of their own looks, it's more of "she's not that smart," or "he's not that good at sports."

That makes me even more mad....
It all boils down to self esteem and how you perceive your self. If your comfortable in your own skin, then No, you're probably not going to have a problem with attractive people of the same sex.

But to say that all women secretly hate a prettier woman, is ridiculous.

I have no problem getting along with an attractive, intelligent, honest women.

But throw some catty, self centered, ignorant bitch in the mix. It wouldn't matter what she looked like. I wouldn't like her, and it wouldn't be a secret either.