The Issues We Are Facing.


New member
First of all this has taken a while to write, so appreciate this letter or be damned to eternity by the likes of me not giving a **** about your selective reading. Because it is my time to ***** about the current situation. What situation woman? You ask with discontent and a frown upon your face. I reply with a simple and yet harsh smile, and I say to you “don’t you see? All those annoying threads on LPF about it going downhill are true.” Look, seriously Josh (Vash), Dave (Unhingedmouse) and Chris (ATLien) if you’re going to be the administrators of a site, I should see either one of you do something around here, proactively speaking. There are number issues that need to be face, and wither you face them or not, is up to you, but I’m making it big and clear, it may not be simple but we’re all over the age of ten on this forum. I have several resolutions to each problem which I’ll address. After much discussion in the ‘Bored’ thread up in the general thread I’ve decided to take Ravynlee’s word into play “Less talk and more action.” So here it is, my compilation of complaints merged into one big letter.

The first one.

The LPF Awards.

When was it since last had them? The last time I can correctly recall we had the LPF awards was two years ago. Correct me if I am wrong, here, by any means, go ******* nuts, but the purpose of the awards is to encourage activity and good behaviour on the boards. I am sorry to the active members, and members who are trying to be remain active but have other things in life to attend to like work and play etc, but what about the couple of dozen (times a thousand) inactive members? We used to have such a good variety of members on here back in the old day, but I will continue this ***** in the next problem I’ll outline and argue. But LPF awards should be back on. Back in the old days, it was every eight months because it took the mods eight months to gather up information about who’ll be nominated for which category. I don’t think you understand, and I’m saying this to both moderators and administrators, but the LPF awards motivated members to get in and do good stuff for the boards. Yes I am aware, there was a ‘popularity contest’ issue last time the LPF awards were held but not having the LPF awards is not the resolution, because of the positive spirit and motivation the awards create for not only the board itself but for the members. We can resolve this ‘popularity contest’ by introducing a new voting system and new choosing system.

The second one.

Inactive members and new members.

Yes I am aware that the inactive members have always been a problem, and I know they can’t be deleted just in case they come back. But we need to do something about them, not just sit on the sideline waiting for them to come back with our fairy floss (on a lighter topic, it’s been yonks since I’ve had fairy floss). Send them emails, since you’ve got their email, don’t let already registered emails sign up again. I can easily do it. A know a couple of old members have done it and they didn’t even get a slap on the wrist for re-registering. We need tighter rules for the newbies who come onto our boards. I really hate to compare, but I want to use LPA as an example. The first fifty posts have to be accepted by the moderators first before they can be posted, this is a good way to avoid spam clogged threads that inevitably, all newbies do sometime in their newbie lives on the board. If it’s harder to get to the cookie jar, kids will get to it eventually, same goes with the newbies. If they don’t want to see a reminder so often maybe they should post stuff that the moderators approve of. Because telling them when they make only one thread in the welcome camp, that they should stay and make LPF a fun place, doesn’t mean they are going to listen to us. There are a heap of threads that newbies will love and they do, until they find out that LPF is ‘boring’ because no one’s on when they are.

And talk about the inactive elites! There are a number of inactive elites that are never going to come back to LPF, and I know this for a fact, been talking to them on MSN trying to persuade them to come back to LPF. The only elites I can think of that are currently active and I think are worth a mention, Phoenix791989, Greyfoxx, diana, Sygy, Stenners, Firehawk, Clogz and I'll give Gradon a mention.

The third one.

Mods and Admins.

Where the **** are you? To cut an argument short.

I saw one post of Dave’s last night and that was in a thread in LP Central. And…wtf? Josh said he had gone for good, and why do I see him on here? He appears to be online but he doesn’t post anything. If he’s gone for good, why didn’t another admin demote him then give the position to Azem (just as an example)? I can only think of a handful of moderators that are still active. Jeezy – I at least give you credit for being one out of three mods I can think of right now, because you originally brought up the concept of LPF being dead. I’m glad that a mod agrees with me and a handful of other members on that topic. Hahinator and Azem – both active. I haven’t seen Victim on for ages. What’s happened to our mods? By all personal opinion here, I think that Frabjorn should be promoted back to being mod, he’s the most active out of once-were-mod category.

There are a chunk full of threads (and I admit I’ve done some spamming lately) clogged of spam like arteries clogged with fat. The only thread that I’ve seen recently that has had posts deleted was when Darkness Lover and Stenners had that big face off in the music part and where Victim deleted a whole bunch of posts in the Member’s Pets thread.

I said it before in another part of my argument, why hasn’t Josh been demoted if he’s not going to be on here anymore? I’m not going out my way to make sure he gets demoted (I know we have our differences) but seriously, it happened with Jess (linkinparkbabe87) and Vero (4ever_LPShinoda). They weren’t active mods so they got demoted back to elite membership and they gave clear warning that they weren’t going to be active as mods as I recall.

The fourth point.

Revamping LPF.

I’m going to give you some direct quotes from the discussion taking place in Jeezy’s thread.

Me –

“LPF needs an upgrade in not only the way it’s presented to the members and the public but it needs an upgrade in its attitude and spirit.”

Ravynlee –

“This site needs a visual overhaul. Yes that includes banners for those that want more variety. That gives those in the art department reason to get involved.”

I personally agree with Ravyn’s idea. If I am wrong here, or anywhere, go nuts and correct me, but wasn’t the person who designed the new banner for this version of LPF was crazy robster (Jojo)? I instinctively remember now, that I think about it, she told me in an email when I was inactive for a while last year, that there was a competition for the new banner and she had won the competition (now I remember it lol). The art department gets so many people involved with the competition, I have to say, it does attract more attention and more threads then the writer’s corner does.

In the writer’s corner alone is pretty dead at the moment. I don’t mean to self-indulgent by this comment, but seriously there are only two stories being updated daily and that’s Ravyn’s story and mine. And I don’t mean to cause offence to Mel and Foxx either, because I know they are trying to get their story up and going. But you know what I mean.

We could probably upgrade LPF to another version, because if there are competitions in anything, concerning the site, you know a buzz full of excitement will occur wither it be the new LPF sessions CD or designing a new banner for the art people.

Thus in conclusion, we don’t have enough motivation and that lack of spirit has worn off. LPF is going to be dead as a doorknob soon. Just, it needs mouth-to-mouth. And oh yeah, be free to add/rebuke any of my ideas. I always love a conversation.

Btw. You guys suck at enforcing sig sizes! Sorry I had to add that.

:yes: :D

Check the dimensions on my old sig^^

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New member
interesting points

now, having to approve the first 50 posts of a noob would mean there would actually be active staff members. I mean this was a problem too when I was mod, Suicide King wasn't active, among others

but right now it seems like there are more staff inactive then active

if they are however checking online but not posting anything, then that's a problem too, seems like all too many people lurking and not really posting much...


okay I made a list

anyone correct me if I'm wrong on anything

ATLien -he seems to come online annually

coredump -same as ATL

Qwest -sorry, but does he do anything?

UnhingedMouse0 -not very active

Vash_the_Stampede - leaving

Hahninator - active, haven't seen him that much lately though

azem - active, same as hahn

Suicide king - when will he be demoted? hasn't been active for years

victim - hasn't been much on lately

shinodabear - same as sk

jeezy - active

this is at least my perception of things...I mean what do noobs think when there hasn't been a staff member online doing stuff for a week or two save for jeezy...



New member
interesting points

okay I made a list

anyone correct me if I'm wrong on anything

ATLien -he seems to come online annually

coredump -same as ATL

Qwest -sorry, but does he do anything?

UnhingedMouse0 -not very active

Vash_the_Stampede - leaving

Hahninator - active, haven't seen him that much lately though

azem - active, same as hahn

Suicide king - when will he be demoted? hasn't been active for years

victim - hasn't been much on lately

shinodabear - same as sk

jeezy - active
Only wants to come on when he wants to promote some other site.

Wtf? Are you still serious he's still up on that list? Jesus! I was in Year 10 when I last saw him on.

Does sitting on your *** and eating donuts count?

He's okay I suppose. I see him on every now and then.

According to his thread he's a goner for good.

Got nothing against these guys. They are at least trying to pull their weight around. But they tend to post rather than moderate nowadays.

Yeah why haven't they been demoted?

Can't say much really about her.

He gets pink because he's the only decent mod on the boards.

oooo pretty colours :)



New member
Jeezy's been on and has allowed it.

Yeah, but making a single thread out of gets the message across rather than brainstorming a zillion ideas into a number of posts and making members read through what's being said. That's why I wrote it to put all of our ideas into one single post.



New member
But as more people get more ideas this thread is just going to get as cluttered and confusing as the other one.

And it'l be twice as confusing for people just noticing either thread as they won't know what's been/being said in the other. Just seems like a waste to do this now, rather than in a few days when everyone's had a chance to voice thier opinion, especially because there's a link to the other thread on the front page now.



New member
Yeah this was put up before that link appeared/ Jeezy made that thread in LP Chat/ Jeezy changing the name of the thread in General.


New member
Still, the other thread was there before this one, and this is just reiterating what that one says. So I can't see the point of having two of the same thread.


New member
this is at least my perception of things...I mean what do noobs think when there hasn't been a staff member online doing stuff for a week or two save for jeezy...
Well said. My point exactly. There was a big lead up to 'new rules' not that long ago - and wtf, who's actually around to enforce them? An interesting side note that they're tucked away at the bottom of the forums like someones dirty secret or something - doesn't that give you also a hint as to part of the problem?? There's no consistency either, and when new members sense this lack of authority for want of a better word, what makes any of us already here think they won't abide by the rules or go spam-crazy (Sarah, I'm looking in your direction just now, don't mean to sound harsh but you could try leading by example - we all do it from time to time, but come on...) but anyway, I digress. I am in no way suggesting we start getting all militant and throwing up rules and blocking threads and telling everyone what they can and can't do, this is not a powertrip activity, but first and foremost, if you want people to stick to the rules here and behave a certain way and maintain a particular standard, and lets face it that's not being unrealistic, then GIVE them the rules to live by here or basically get the **** out. You can't get mad for people not doing what they're supposed to when you don't maintain order, isn't that the fundamental basis of a working democratic society anyway??

This is a website people - not a new creation of state!!! Jesus, a little focus wouldn't hurt would it?

I know we have MANY inactive members, and just as many inactive leaders. Though I touched on this in the old 'bored' thread (now the official one on the home page, finally!) I still think flushing this system we have now is also needed. I'm not saying get rid of everyone, but as you both said there are a few that are occasionally doing their job - and you know what, in all fairness, being a mod here at the moment can't be a walk in the park when no one's obeying the rules, when people are getting bored and restless, and when it generally seems like you're going up alone against everyone else - its a **** of a job to ask, but that's technically what I thought Mods and Admins were there to do. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway I've said my piece over at the other thread. Just wanted to comment here because that was one **** of a rant Sarah and I had to compliment you on it. That at least shows the kind of passion the majority of LPF is sorely lacking at the moment.

So 'kudos' to you too.

And thanks.



New member
I think elites + few active mods should take a vote for who should be new mods in the Elite Forum

*just wants to use the **** thing for once* lol



New member
i agree with woody this place is pretty dead, whenever i'm here it seems to be the same handful of people who are here or have posted in that day. when new people sign up they don't seem to stick around or they don't get involved as much as they should. in my first year here it was so confusing to remember everyones name because there were sooooo many people active on here. if i joined now it would be easy as its the same old faces everyday. i'm easily pleased and i love this place as your like my extended family, but to newbies it might seem borning and mundane, wich means they might not stick around for long. lpf just needs a kick up the ***!!!


Active Members
we deffinitely would need some active admins

they are the only ones who can change the status and make someone elite or mod

so for all those changes we would need to get an admin to read this

I'll put something in mod talk

and send a message to Dave

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New member
I got the email as well.

I'll read this and reply with what I think but it seems I'm going to need to read other threads as well to get the whole story?

One thing I should point out is that as administrators it's not important for us to be active in the community. I know I'll get a bunch of backlash on that but hear me out. Bottom line is though I'm not actively logged in here every day I do visit a lot more than you see me logged in. And I am absolutely available via email or PM. So if there is ever a problem (and I can link to at least 2 other times I've said this before) I get an email message instantly when you PM me so I am literally a PM or an email away.

That being said the only thing you should need administrators for is to do things mods can't do. You need the owner/admin to make decisions that will actually cost the site money. So in reality admins are fine being not as active as moderators so long as they make themselves available when needed.

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New member
OK I guess I'll respond to this bit by bit since there is so much :D

As for the inactive users there are quite a few modifications we can install here

to remedy that. Inactive user reminder emails mod will automatically send an email to inactive users without the mods having to do anything. It will continue to send one every week, 2 weeks, or whatever we set it to. Inactive users being users that haven't posted, or logged in in X amount of days.

There are also mods that can reduce a users permission levels when they are inactive. Me personally I think we should simply reward active members with things everyone will want so inactives will see it and want it too.

So what's the problem Qwest? Why aren't you installing these mods right now!?!? Simple..... Though I'm an admin I still do not have server access like the owner does and most mods require you to upload files.



New member
I got the email as well.
One thing I should point out is that as administrators it's not important for us to be active in the community. I know I'll get a bunch of backlash on that but hear me out.

I beg to differ in the first sentence of that two sentence quote. And the second sentence, **** straight you'll get it, then why ask for it?

Forgive me once again, but I've just woken up and tryng to type what I think right now is proving to be a hassle after a ten hour or so sleep, interrupted a couple of times by the weather outside.

But seriously, if you're the admin of the site, and you're paying money to keep it running, then why leave for a number of time, and not come on whenever you can. I can understand that you've got other commitments (we're not that much of LPF freaks, we all have a life outside of LPF) but the amount of times you've logged in, as only in the time of need, and I shouldn't have sent that email off to all admins telling everyone to come back to look at the situation, let alone what I had to tell Azem and I was at the point of telling Dave and Victim. Coredump is impossible to get hold of nowadays. But be active and try to address some of these occurring issues, because you can't expect a site to sit still with the amount of members we have (actively speaking) and not have anything happen.

If it helps, I'll pull out my wallet and give some of my cash in to help improve LPF if that has to come down to it, cos trust me mate, I'm not the richest ***** in the world and I'll only be saying this if I was determined and I was dedicated.



New member
qwest doesn't own the place anymore. apparently he's doing his job just fine lol, some things are just not up to him and the other admins.

butttt...I mean active admins interested in the site content would be great. look at LP projekt, bunch of staff dedicated to both LP and doing a great job with the site. there's always stuff going on there, whether it's audio or whatever, and there's lots of communication and feed from the staff.

I'm not asking that this turn into some super place like that, just that good regular updates and some enthusiasm every once and a while would be nice. and I guess that counts for everyone right? oh why am I trying, I'm leaving. anyyway lol

Im btw not pointing fingers saying you should do this, you should do that. just some suggestions



New member
I agree with Qwest. Admins don't have to be all that active, as long as they are available when they're needed, as he is.

I think it's more up to the mods to stay active and keep this place in order, and with only Jeezy the really active mod, with the others helping a little, it doesn't work. We need to boot all the inactive mods/elites and bring in a new batch that will stay active. And if they don't, then they get demoted. That should be incentive enough to stay active.

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