The Issues We Are Facing.


New member
I agree with Qwest. Admins don't have to be all that active, as long as they are available when they're needed, as he is.I think it's more up to the mods to stay active and keep this place in order, and with only Jeezy the really active mod, with the others helping a little, it doesn't work. We need to boot all the inactive mods/elites and bring in a new batch that will stay active. And if they don't, then they get demoted. That should be incentive enough to stay active.
Thoroughly agree on that point. Simple as that.



New member
i agree with the mods n admin stuff, i think we should introduce/reward some current members who are always around with modship. Someone get coredump's addie and offer him some money lol.


New member
He doesn't have the "send member email" feature turned on. Already tried that. He didn't like my candy I offered him.

I ******* hate coredump for not giving a **** about LPF.



New member
I was just talking to Justin, and I meant capitalism, lol

I mean I do too, but I take everything regarding it with a pinch of salt, to be honest.



New member
I was just talking to Justin, and I meant capitalism, lol
I mean I do too, but I take everything regarding it with a pinch of salt, to be honest.
only because this is a special interest group basically :)

When it comes to companies and corporations that need to do everything in legal means to make money, but I feel different about special interest groups and such. LPF is kinda similar to a special interest group.



New member
So here is the deal, first off though Coredump is thoroughly irresponsible when it comes to this website don't insult him. It definitely won't motivate him to help us out. To put it plain and simple CD doesn't respond to anything we've tried. As mods/ even Admins we've tried to reach CD on several occasions but he just doesn't answer. I think the last time we got anything out of him was around Christmas/New Years, maybe a little bit afterwards. But he doesn't really make himself available (contrast to other Admins/Site Owners we've had in the past.) Which is basically our biggest handicap. Honestly we are constantly discussing ways to get this site going, but nothing ever happens because it requires ADMIN/SITE OWNER capabilities that we can't even tap into. Honestly even Vash/UMO can hardly do anything to really make significant changes. In that sense we litterally are screwed.

Now in terms of the LPF awards it's pretty simple why we have been reluctant to put it on. In the past 2 seasons the awards have been met with hostility and lots of complaining which I mean makes it hard for us to deal with. Who wants to put together an awards ceremony if at the end of the day everyone is just going to go, oh this is one big popularity contest. So I mean there is an LPFA coming in the near future but I just wanted to shine some light on why it's been such a long time since. Now we also have a few other contest coming soon. Most of the contests however will start mid-next month, you guys just gotta wait it out a little longer. We haven't done much because the members, you guys, just don't have to time participate in contests. We tried the GFX artist thing but honestly only 1 person submitted an entry. Things will come, we are just waiting until summertime and then we'll open up the gates for some more livelyness.

Um and yea ATLien tried to buy LPF back but CD wouldnt sell it so I mean yea



Active Members
Sorry I have been MIA guys.. Life is crazy for me right now, and thats all I will say... I will be on more now.. I just had some lose ends to tie up..

As for forum work, you guys know where I stand(or maybe not).. I am always ready to change and make things better, but we just don't have the option to do it.. I can try to motivate and persuade.. But when it comes down to it, I don't have the final decision CD does, and you guys know how hard it is to get a hold of him. Also, as Azem said, insulting CD isn't going to to anything for our cause, so settle down.. I don't mind you guys coming together and voicing your opinions and worries, but don't criticize/insult someone, it does nothing.

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