The Jewish Nazi State Pisses Me off...

Nazz writes:
Nice piece of propaganda. But that is all it is slanted propaganda, unfortunately most Americans are highly susceptible to propaganda. Good work

So you think they are tailors dummies then ? Or perhaps the Palestinians are killing themselves. Now I understand.... thanks.....
The fact is since the end of the Cold war we have no longer any legitimate interest in the state of Isreal. It is an entangling alliance just like George Washington warned us about.
Nazz says:
The Palestinians do a fair bit of killing themselves.

Yes Nazz its called retaliation

I have not heard the Israeli’s politically say that their goal was the total annihilation of all Arabs

Neither have I, its not a view likely to be expressed

so even though they may in gage in some nasty bits of work they are still not as bad as the Palestinians.

You seem here to imply that the Palestinians have called for the annihation of the Jews. I doubt if that is the official view of the Palestinian State. However I can understand how some Palestinians might feel that way. If my family members and friends were murdered for no reason at all I would hate the offender responsible.
The whole state of Israel should not of happened, BS post-war promises... Let us also consider the stance of the people originally inhabiting what is now Israel (Formally a part of Palestine) Basically they had a bunch of strange Jews just show up in say "Hey its ours! We're Jewish too!(As many of the natives there were Jewish already)" Meanwhile those who’s bloodlines have been in the area for centuries are left dumbfounded and their lives thrown into wack.

If a few thousand Christians came over form Europe and told America "Hey we're making a Christian State here in Texas, Tuff-**** if that bothers you!" The rest of the damn country would be pissed as hell wouldn't they? Now the difference is that it was Allied powers who told Palestine they were being chopped off so they couldn't exactly retaliate against the decision.

Both sides commit atrocities, both are religious dipshit states. But my empathy goes to Palestine.
For the record. I don't hate Jews, Palestinians, Africans, Europeans or Asians. I just hate the way we treat each other.

For me its a straight forward issue, the Jews want to settle in Palestine. Fine. So deal with the Palestinians. Pesecuting and murdering them is not much of an option is it ? You just come across as a bunch of murdering assholes.

The Palestinians have neve said **** off we dont want to know. They are a reasonable bunch of folks. Hell, they are all racially the same people - semites.

Get the **** out of the West Bank and Jerusalem. There can be no rest while you do these things. And stop murdering civillians. I don't think I can ever forget the sight of that baby shot between the nipples in my original post. That was no accident. It was ****ing deliberate. Take another look at it.

As Richard Prior once said. It "****ing chilled my ****". How could anyone do that. You filthy scumbags.
GF Admin said:
The Palestinians do a fair bit of killing themselves, do a pictorial collage showing the atrocities of the Palestinians and get some perspective. I have not heard the Israeli’s politically say that their goal was the total annihilation of all Arabs, so even though they may in gage in some nasty bits of work they are still not as bad as the Palestinians.


Palestinians dictate their hate for the sole reason that Israeli's kill them. Not Jews... Jews are considered our cousins.

PALESTINIANS ARE SICK, of Israeli bullshit of decades, so they elected Hamas to see if they can end it.

You wan't to compare deaths ?? FINE, lets.

1600 Palestinains killed in 2001 alone..

The circumstances surrounding the killing of Iman al-Hams are grave. However, the large number of Palestinian civilians killed indicate that her death is not unusual. What is unusual about this case, however, is the fact that the IDF initiated a Military Police investigation that led to an indictment. There is no such accountability for the vast majority of Palestinian civilian deaths.

Iman al-Hams, a twelve year-old girl, was shot and killed on 5 October 2004 while walking to school in the Rafah refugee camp. The company commander who shot her claimed that he acted in accordance with regulations, and the IDF Chief of Staff accepted the commander's version of events. Only after soldiers from the company told the press that the commander had "verified" her death (pumping her body with bullets from close range) did the Military Police initiate an investigation. The company commander has now been charged with illegal use of his weapon and obstruction of justice.

According to B'Tselem's data, since the beginning of the intifada, IDF soldiers have killed at least 1,656 Palestinians who took no part in the fighting. Of those killed, 529 were children. Many of these deaths result from changes in the Rules of Engagement, which now allow soldiers to open fire on Palestinians in a variety of non-combat situations, even when the soldiers are not in danger. The most blatant example is the order to open fire whenever Palestinians enter so-called "danger zones," including the perimeter fence around the Gaza Strip, and areas around military bases and settlements.

An equally troubling phenomenon, however, is the climate of impunity in which these deaths take place. Over the past four years, the IDF conducted only 89 military police investigations into deaths and injuries of Palestinians. Of these investigations, only 22 resulted in indictments. To date, one soldier has been convicted of causing the death of a Palestinian. Thus in the vast majority of cases, no one is ever held accountable.

The combination of rules of engagement that encourage a trigger-happy attitude among soldiers together with the climate of impunity results in a clear and very troubling message about the value the IDF places on Palestinian life.

B'Tselem calls on the Israeli government to cancel the orders allowing indiscriminate gunfire and to open a Military Police investigation into every death of a Palestinian who did not participate in hostilities. B'Tselem and the Association for Civil Rights in Israel petitioned the Israeli High Court in September 2003 with a similar demand. The High Court has yet to rule on this petition.

A British forensic expert who has gained access to the West Bank city of Jenin says evidence points to a massacre by Israeli forces.


About two thirds of Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from the territories which came under Israeli control after the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. This exodus continued during the war until after the armistice that ended it (see Palestinian Exodus.) These refugees, the great majority of whom had lived there for generations, were generally not permitted to return to their homes.

The final estimate of their number was 711,000, according to the United Nations Conciliation Commission[1]. However, by 1950, according to United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), the number of registered refugees was 914,000.[2].

Gaza 923,000 refugees
Jordan 2,540,000 refugees
Lebanon 695,000 refugees
Syria 584,000 refugees
West Bank 665,000 refugees
Egypt 70,000 refugees
Saudi Arabia 240,000

The Palestinian refugees claim a right of return, based on Article 13 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ("Everyone has the right to leave any country including his own, and to return to his country") and United Nations General Assembly Resolution #194, paragraph 11, where the General Assembly:

Resolves that the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so at the earliest practicable date, and that compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return and for the loss of or damage to property which, under principles of international law or in equity, should be made good by the governments or authorities responsible...
Instructs the Conciliation Commission to facilitate the repatriation, resettlement and economic and social rehabilitation of the refugees and the payment of compensation.
Many of them also argue that, by the UDHR, this right is an individual and not a collective one, and that it cannot therefore be restricted by any collective agreement between Palestinians and Israel.[citation needed] They also regard as a massive injustice the fact that Jews are allowed to emigrate to Israel under Israel's Law of Return, even if their ancestors have not lived in the area for 2000 years, while people who grew up in the area and whose immediate ancestors had lived there for many generations are forbidden from returning.

The Palestinian National Authority supports this right, although its extent has been a subject of negotiation at the various peace talks; Mahmoud Abbas promised in November 2004 to continue working towards it if elected president.

Denying this only shows your ignorance... I DO NOT deny the fact that some Palestinians have done suicide missions, but the numbers of SUICIDE MISSIONs to the number of Israeli AIR STRIKES, is incomparable. :mad:

Just showing up and STATING AND FORCING, a people out of a country because you think historically that it is YOURS, is stupid... THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH THE USA AND A LOT OF HISPANICS, AND YOU DON'T LIKE NOW DO YOU ?? Imagine mass murder with that. What do Palestinians defend themselves with... ROCKS VS MILITARY BARRAGE OF AMERICAN WEAPONARY.


The way I see it is that the Palestinians are going to eventually be helped by nations like Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Lebanon... They will Build their own state, and the Israeli's will comply, or there will be A LOT, of BS to deal with improperly.
slip_knot said:
The Palestinians have neve said **** off we dont want to know. They are a reasonable bunch of folks. Hell, they are all racially the same people - semites.

Most Jews are not semitic in origin at all.
slip_knot said:
Just take a look at what these filthy animals are doing.

Is it any wonder there is so much anger in Palestine.

Meanwhile, for reasons I cannot understand, the West supports and nurtures Israel

I agree with this, the Jews have become Nazis, except they have not denigrated themselves to such a level, Yet. The whole idea of building a dirty big ****ing wall to keep out the evil on the other side is pathetic, but this is just the latest round in a bitch fight that has been going over for around 3,000 years and at the heart of it is that filthy little thing called
The Jewish faith dictates that THEY are the chosen people. Not you. Not me. They are the ones who are chosen. That being said, any non-Jew who helps the Jews achieve their goal is a ****ing muppet.

They're quick on the anti-semitic button but nobody seems to have noticed that their very faith is founded upon racism.
Gally tuck says:
Most Jews are not semitic in origin at all.

Gallytuck, anti-semitism is a loathing of semites, Jews and Arabs. Although historically this term is used almost exclusively in reference to the Jewish people.
A Jewish person named Yoav Shamir made a documentary of the Israeli checkpoints, and how hard it is for the Palestinian refugees just to get to a wedding or a doctor... Here is the torrent..

The Israeli guards like to 'show them' and routinely harass them by making them stand in the blazing sun, driving rain, or deep snow for many hours (eg up to ten hours) before returning their papers and often sending them home. They are polite, but admit to the cameras that this is how they deal with people - force them to stand in the rain. It could almost be a laid back Palestinian expose of what is happening at the checkpoints except - and here is the double-whammy - it is made by an Israeli, with Israeli funding - and it has been snapped up and promoted by the Israelis in cinemas but also the Palestinians - what is perhaps even more shocking (according to the director at the Edinburgh International Film Festival) it is now being used by the Israeli forces as training material for their guards. The filmmaker has certainly got his message across to a wide audience.
Gallytuck said:
The Jewish faith dictates that THEY are the chosen people. Not you. Not me. They are the ones who are chosen.

Now what other religion purports the same adage as a sales pitch?

All of them. More so with the seventh day adventurers. ;)
Hamza123 said:
A Jewish person named Yoav Shamir made a documentary of the Israeli checkpoints, and how hard it is for the Palestinian refugees just to get to a wedding or a doctor... Here is the torrent..

A unarmed British journalist/cameraman wearing a high visibility vest emblazoned with the letters TV on it, (television crew)has just been shot dead by an Israeli soldier. Almost certainly to stop him filming or reporting stuff the Israeli's would rather the world knew nothing of. He is not the first either, nor the last probably.
slip_knot said:
A unarmed British journalist/cameraman wearing a high visibility vest emblazoned with the letters TV on it, (television crew)has just been shot dead by an Israeli soldier. Almost certainly to stop him filming or reporting stuff the Israeli's would rather the world knew nothing of. He is not the first either, nor the last probably.

Another dumbass removed from the gene pool.

Maybe somebody on this thread will quote from a relatively unbiased source. Ain't seen it yet.
hugo said:
Another dumbass removed from the gene pool.

Maybe somebody on this thread will quote from a relatively unbiased source. Ain't seen it yet.
And what would that 'unbiased' news source be, oh wise worshipper of Goombah??
Relativley?? CNN... OKAY SURE BUD!!






I hope Israeli government get whats coming to them.