The Jewish Nazi State Pisses Me off...

Hamza123 said:
Relativley?? CNN... OKAY SURE BUD!!






I hope Israeli government get whats coming to them.

The Ted Turner network is a left wing nutcase one. You kill the scumbags when they are still young.

you have to be a real low-life to use your own child as a shield in order to avoid being struck dead for your criminal actions against humanity.
This is really starting to get on my ****ing nerves. I read about one arab turkey who was in jail when 9/11 went down, and he's gonna be the patsy for the ****ing CIA coverup of Cheney's little PNAC plan to incite hatred and start a never-ending war, ensuring he and his cronies rake in billions, while ****ing over anyone in their way, including thousands of innocent American civilians, thousands of patriotic American servicemen and women, not to mention a hundred thousand plus civilians in the target countries.

Get a ****ing grip.

The media is once again focussing on the shock and awe of several buildings being demolished in downtown Manhattan. Well **** me drunk, if you believe this was not the actions of Cheney, the fat evil ****, and his cohorts, you need putting in the head stocks for a month of arse-raping. The evidence is there for anyone to see, but nobody is game to touch it, for fear of landing in gitmo for a never-ending torture holiday. Well **** that ****. Some "Patriot" act. You've all been duped, and you've all been willing to let yourselves be duped.

War in Iraq. Another ****ing snow job. Iran is a threat. What a crock of ****ing ****. When will you people open your eyes and realise where you are being led? Down the ****ing garden path to a life of fear and poverty is where.

Oh, so it's not impacting on your lives? Not yet it's ****ing not. PNAC is not about the future of the American people, it's about the future wealth of a very select few people, and not all of them are American.

The Saudis were in on 9/11, and seven of the 19 so-called suicide bombers were partying in Florida on the gambling cruises when the **** hit the fan, including the one who's passport happened to land on the street after he supposedly flew a passenger jet into a skyscraper. How ****ing gullible are you people? Does it take a drunkard drug-****ed womanising has-been actor like Charlie Sheen to wake you up>???????? ****ing Losers.

Let yourselves be driven under. See if anyone cares. :mad:
Actually it was Pinnochio, Snow White and seven short little bastards who were behind 9-11.
hugo said:
Actually it was Pinnochio, Snow White and seven short little bastards who were behind 9-11.

So we can expect a Disney remake of the whole ****-show shortly?
Hmm... Yeah, you ****ed up there buddy... When a missle is being launched at your house, EVERYONE DIES, the right-wangers that say "childs as shields" are BS'ers that use the same argument everytime. They don't know that more missles are being fired than bullets, and when bullets are being fired, children take them at RANDOM... YOU FIRE THOSE BULLETS NEEDLESSLY..
Hamza123 said:
Hmm... Yeah, you ****ed up there buddy... When a missle is being launched at your house, EVERYONE DIES, the right-wangers that say "childs as shields" are BS'ers that use the same argument everytime. They don't know that more missles are being fired than bullets, and when bullets are being fired, children take them at RANDOM... YOU FIRE THOSE BULLETS NEEDLESSLY..

Well, since the newly elected Palestinian government supports the killing of Jewish children what the hell do you expect? Should not those who worship Islam also be held to certain standards?. Or is it OK to kill infidels...only Muslim lives matter. What is going on in Darfur?

If I was marked by the Isreali government my family would not be in the same car with me. I guess the guy was more interested in screwing 72 virgins.

CBS/AP) A suicide bomber blew himself up on a bus packed with ultra-Orthodox Jews on Tuesday, killing at least 18 people, including at least five children, and wounding about 100 in one of the deadliest bombings in the past three years of fighting.

The militant groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad both claimed responsibility. Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas condemned the bombing as a "terrible act."

The bombing threatened to derail the U.S.-backed "road map" peace plan. In a first move, Israel called off the planned handover of the West Bank towns of Jericho and Qalqiliya to Palestinian control. The handover was to have taken place later this week.

The blast went off shortly after 9 p.m. Tuesday, as the crowded tandem bus
slip_knot said:
hugo said:
Another dumbass removed from the gene pool.

No Hugo, a guy legally doing his job, just one of many unarmed civillians murdered by the Israelis.

Isreal's response to the 2003 incident:

In a statement, the Israeli embassy in London said: "After a very thorough investigation using laboratories in Israel and abroad and after reviewing all the available evidence, it was not possible to reach a reliable conclusion that could provide a basis for proceedings under criminal law."
hugo says:
In a statement, the Israeli embassy in London said: "After a very thorough investigation using laboratories in Israel and abroad and after reviewing all the available evidence, it was not possible to reach a reliable conclusion that could provide a basis for proceedings under criminal law."

Really... well fancy that eh...

It reminds me of the time I read about the police investigating an allegation of police brutality.

Of course they were unable to prove anything. Those tossers were not going to find fault in themselves now were they ....
slip_knot said:
hugo says:
In a statement, the Israeli embassy in London said: "After a very thorough investigation using laboratories in Israel and abroad and after reviewing all the available evidence, it was not possible to reach a reliable conclusion that could provide a basis for proceedings under criminal law."

Really... well fancy that eh...

It reminds me of the time I read about the police investigating an allegation of police brutality.

Of course they were unable to prove anything. Those tossers were not going to find fault in themselves now were they ....

Never met anyone who got beat up by the cops who did not deserve it.
slip_knot said:
Gally tuck says:
Most Jews are not semitic in origin at all.

Gallytuck, anti-semitism is a loathing of semites, Jews and Arabs. Although historically this term is used almost exclusively in reference to the Jewish people.

Nay. Anti-semitism is exclusive to Jews. Including Arabs under that umbrella wouldn't make the term any less correct, but it just doesn't happen often. Arabs don't call people anti-semites if they are anti-Arab.

"Anti-semitic" is a term thrown around by Jews whenever they don't feel like answering questions or whenever they don't want to do their homework. It's an ugly tool used by the Jews to rally the gentiles to their cause whenever someone out there starts asking the wrong questions and needs to be shutdown. Like right now, think of how many Jews would call me an anti-semite just for posting this message. These are the same Jews who believe in Israel and have great careers and are extensively networked within the world web of Jewry so no love lost.

I don't see how attempting to protect many by calling out the one makes me some sort of evil racist. Jews look out for number one at our expense. Why can't I call them out for what they are at their expense without being call an anti-semite.

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres. Less than five years ago. These are the people we're dealing with.
Gally I think you are confusing yourself almost as much as you are confusing me

First you say that Jews are not semites. In a later post you say that anti semitism is a term exclusive to Jews.

Anti = against

semite = the semitic people

Jews and Arabs are the semitic people
Girl killed by Israeli shells, sources say

Monday, April 10, 2006; Posted: 3:47 p.m. EDT (19:47 GMT)


JERUSALEM (CNN) -- An 8-year-old girl was killed and 20 people were wounded Monday when Israeli forces shelled the Beit Lahiya refugee camp in northern Gaza, Palestinian security sources said.

Monday was the fourth day of strikes by Israeli Defense Forces against targets in Gaza. Israel has said the attacks are retaliatory.

Israeli military sources said four Qassam rockets were fired Monday into Israel and three of them were fired from Beit Lahiya.

The sources said the Israel Defense Forces fired artillery toward the place where the rockets were launched.

On Sunday morning, Israeli soldiers shelled a Palestinian security position in northern Gaza, killing a police officer and wounding seven people, Palestinian security forces said. The Israeli military said it warned the Palestinian police officer and civilians to leave the area before the attack began.

Israeli airstrikes targeting militants on Friday and Saturday killed at least 14 Palestinians, according to Palestinian security and medical sources.

The Associated Press reported Monday that the Hamas-led Palestinian government is asking militants not to fire rockets into Israel without official permission.

"We want resistance to be arranged and organized," AP quoted Palestinian government spokesman Ghazi Hamad as saying. Hamas has not renounced violence against Israel.

Israel's retaliatory strikes "will make the Palestinian situation more complex and will increase extremism, and might be the reason for a third uprising [against Israel] that would be more violent and painful," Palestinian Information Minister Youssef Rizka said Sunday, according to the AP.

Israeli's acting prime minister said Sunday the army was authorized to counterattack against militants.

"Security forces will act decisively against anyone who fires Qassam, or anyone who will deal or deals in terror," Ehud Olmert told the Israeli Cabinet, according to AP. "There are no restrictions on security forces in the event they identify danger."

A spokesman for Palestinian Islamic Jihad told Reuters on Sunday the group would stop firing rockets into Israel for one week, but it would resume the strikes if Israel failed to halt its attacks.

The United States and Israel consider Palestinian Islamic Jihad a terrorist organization.

Other groups have also fired homemade rockets into Israel, Reuters said.



This killed has to stop. Regardless of both sides. It may come as a surpise to you, but this is purely over a struggle for the Palestinians, and land... War in this situation is useless. Don't be surprised..
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hugo said:
Never met anyone who got beat up by the cops who did not deserve it.

No I havn't, But I have read about them in newspapers. The one I remember the most is the old guy who got arrested and later was killed in police custody. They hadn't just given him a hiding, some arsehole stood on the old mans chest until he died.

The dick head was identified because they had his boot prints on the dead mans shirt.

The police did not prosecute, although the offender did retire from the police service.

To maintain public confidence they should have prosecuted him for murder/manslaughter, but of course it didn't happen.
hugo said:
Rioters and Rodney King both deserved it. Of course I never met Rodney,

Wow. What a small bubble you live in. I'm somewhat curious of the extent of your education (past Junior High?)

Perhaps your history of the Israeli nation needs to be reviewed as well. Also, one only has to watch the news or read a paper to understand the autrocities being commited by the Israelies. I'm not trying to justify the Palestinian bombings, but the Israeli state seems to have committed more autrocities against the Palestinians than the Palestinians have against the Jews.

Of course, you can reject what you see on the news as being biased. People generally try to illegetimately discredit sources when credible proof is presented to them.
bry0000000 said:
Wow. What a small bubble you live in. I'm somewhat curious of the extent of your education (past Junior High?)

So... you're establishing yourself with this landmark, run-of-the-mill derogatory comment on Hugo's intelligence? Come on? Asinine remarks and small-witted observations like this shows everyone the feebleness of your intelligence.

If you want to berate a member, move past the simpleton insults.