the journal of misspiggy!!!!!! (free cookie with every post)


New member
okay well im a little bummed. my friend blew me off. we had plans for halloween but i talked to him yesterday and he told me he had plans with some chick. really it wouldn't bother me, but i was looking foreward to it. so yea. im a little mad bout that.


New member
okay im a little bummmed. the guy i like probably doesnt like me.

got a myspace. but im soooo cooonfused about it. i miss my old friends terribly. i wish the world could end so i can start over. but whatever. c ya.



New member
Aww cmon,give yourself a chance;),may be he likes you and he is shy towards you:).

I have a myspace 2,and yeah sometimes is confussing that site,especially when I visit it once in a while XD.

Isn´t there anything you can do to gather with your friends???

Take care girl and cya around=).



New member
nah, the whole shy thing i doubt it his best friend which coincindently (SP) is one of my best friends told me everything like his facial expression and stuff. well anyways right now i can totally care less about it. yup i saw the new mcr video makes me sad cuz mikey dies at the end. heard a really sad song about a guy who misses his girlfriend and after a week he finally calls her just say i love you. made me sad cuz i wish someone would just call me and say I love You and then say good bye and hang up. that would make me feel good. yup i just want that special someone who can love unconditionally. miss everyone who is gone. hope they miss me even tho they dont. probably dont even remember me. will make sense. really lonely. i finally finished one of my stories. something im actually happy about. yup thats pretty much it.


New member
oooooooh double post. but that was like two days ago. i got new shoes, converse. like plaid (brown) they remind me of like fort minor so they are now my fort minors. yup!!!!! i wuv em. i got a new sig. take a look. i know its coolio. prizzops for spike91232004 yup he is a genious. (sp?) its cool well thats all i have to say. :thumbsup:


New member
That sounds kool!Are you gonna be a good girl and share them with your mummy;)?XD.

I was talking to you on AIM about your sig and it´s amazing,I like it and the colours are teh awesomeness:thumbsup:

Well,take girl daughter and I´ll see you around:D.




New member
okay you guys most people dont no this but i live in houston. not the parts in danger from rita. the northeast side somewhere. yea but i probably wont be on until maybe monday or tuesday. my family and i are leaving tomorrow night for dallas. im seriously dead scared of what can happen. feeling really worried about my friends i cant get into contact with. mmmm....... yea.... i really hope i can keep contact with everyone here. okay well wish me luck.


New member
okay well im back!!!!!!! turnes out we never left seeing that we were on the road for ten hours and only got thirty miles away from home. um... well the hurricane shifted and didn't hit us bad. our lights went out like for two or three hours so nothing really bad happened. our fence fell. that's about it. and my network was down for three days that's why i just barely came today. anyways im really relieved nothing major happened to my family and the house!!!! WoOt!!!!!!!!!! well ill make sure to be on lpf twice the amount i usually am. and ill make sure to post some things. alright!!!! THANKS for the SUPPORT!!!!! I luv You All!!!!!
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