Site business is that your account was banned on grounds of breaking rules - repeatedly, therefore if you make a duplicate account - still breaking site rules as an admin I am suppsed to deterr that sort of thing. Therefore you were locked into my dungeon until Feckless Wench feels like deciding what to do with you. But she under the weather, and I doubt she has to waste on you. Have a nice day.Hey fecky.. I noticed the new account button was on so I made one.. weez.. Seems Mrs. K had a little problem with it, threw me in her dungeon, and was quite rude. I'd show you what she said but when I went back she had wiped it out.. I asked her why and she said.. "I always clear my chatroom when I'm done, good housekeeping and all".
She told me to grovel to you again so "they" can all have a good laugh.. so...
Would you fix my wez account? I'd like to say hi to some old friends... if not, just say so, that'll be the end of it.. Weeez will not join.. Not in the mood for games, or Mrs. K's insults.. Thanks fecky.. either way, you know I still love ya.