The Jury - 12 Legal Condoms


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
The only reason that a jury is still used in this 21st techno saturated century is that after the trial, no one is held accountable. It is a convenient way to clean the slate and wash one's hands of any moral responsibility. I refer to the jurors as legal condoms because they are used in a similar way to prophylactics for the protection of the corrupt legal practitioners and the guilty criminals. There is no sane reason for using 12 totally untrained, inexperienced, uneducated and ill informed people off the street to sit in a pivotal position where someone's whole life, reputation or livelihood may hang or swing in the balance.

Ask yourself which of your most important and life altering decisions you would elect to be decided on via the whim, even the caprice of a jury system. Would you be prepared to gamble:

A life threatening medical procedure?
The purchase of a house?
Your choice of partner?
Your daily lifestyle?
Your sexual preferences?
Your political choices?

Or any other of a host of choices which require informed experience. Yet we are content to have perhaps the most important element of our lives, the justice system manipulated through a pretence of order. The jury is selected on the most crass and simplistic criteria imaginable. If they show any signs of being able to reason or think for themselves, they are sniffed off and snuffed out. The jury must be as manipulable as modeling clay. A massive gang rape trial here in Australia was aborted for the simple reason that a pair of jurors had the audacity to make sense of the evidence by going to the crime scene and discussing it. Imagine buying a home on the restrictions available to jurors. You could be sold anything at all and never be allowed to complain. We do not have a judicial system, we have a legalistic 'process'. Shame, shame, shame.
Well said. Besides, do you really want your fate to rest in the hands of people who were too dumb to get out of jury dury?

I always thought it would be a better system to have a "professional" jury consisting of various panelists according to the case issue. A mixed bag of attorneys (to know the laws), doctors (to know the science), and psycologists (to know the human mind). This way there would be no more Cletus the slack-jawed yokel deciding someone else's fate when he didn't even understand the psycho-babble he was fed during the trial.

This would hopefully help get rid of lawyers who win by putting on a better show than their opponent.
Phantom wrote:
This would hopefully help get rid of lawyers who win by putting on a better show than their opponent.
No, mate. It's the lawyers (who originally got paid by the word - see where I'm heading?) that are the bone in the throat. I can't see why some accountants and insurance agents (who know the price of everything & the value of nothing) shouldn't be the dreary drones to do the unimaginative work of looking through the "this crime=this punishment' manual - like an auto valuation almanac & just put the sticker on the paperwork & go home. It's really that simple. It's the three ring circuses & the lousy acting that screws the victims AND the crims. I'm touting that JUSTICE, the thing they all promise but rarely deliver instead of that dreary, emotive 'mercy' crap should be the main act. Cheers!
There are some cases where you can elect to have a trial decided by the judge rather then a jury but I don't know what the criteria is for that.
Lethalfind said:
There are some cases where you can elect to have a trial decided by the judge rather then a jury but I don't know what the criteria is for that.
The silly, trivial nonsense is usually handed over to the tried and serious professionals such as judges and senior counsel - usually jaywalking, parking tickets, neighbourhood squabbles & such. The really serious, life altering material, like murder, mayhem, life shattering criminality & the like is invariably dumped in the jovial laps of a dozen off-the-street plebs whose IQ is usually about the same level as their ages and who can barely spell 'justice'. Things really have a tendency to be the way they are, no? Cheers!
Flatearther said:
The silly, trivial nonsense is usually handed over to the tried and serious professionals such as judges and senior counsel - usually jaywalking, parking tickets, neighbourhood squabbles & such. The really serious, life altering material, like murder, mayhem, life shattering criminality & the like is invariably dumped in the jovial laps of a dozen off-the-street plebs whose IQ is usually about the same level as their ages and who can barely spell 'justice'. Things really have a tendency to be the way they are, no? Cheers!

Not here in the US, real criminal cases can be decided by the judge. People usually don't choose that because they know the judge will go with the letter of the law and if he choose the jury, the criminal might be able to get some sympathy...
It is also a lot easier to get thrown into the slammer when tried by a judge or a panel of judges. It no longer becomes a case of "beyond a reasonable down" but something else (can't remember the phrase- maybe probable cause?). In other words, you don't have to be proven guilty, but instead are judged on the possibility of being guilty. The standards by which you are judged are a lot different.
Phantom wrote:
]It is also a lot easier to get thrown into the slammer when tried by a judge or a panel of judges. It no longer becomes a case of "beyond a reasonable down" but something else
I get where you're going. In 'Judge Judy' type cases the term is 'On the balance of probabilities', not as rigorous as "Beyond reasonable doubt" for the nastier stuff. But the piece of the jigsaw I'm looking at is the absence of an escape hatch by way of 'the grand fairy tale' if you're really guilty and you've got the archetypal 'shyster' lawyer on side and a pack of jurors who get sucked in by the hand wringing of the performers. Maybe the panel of judges is just a lot rougher and hence fairer on the ones who truly are guilty as well as that largely ignored and forgotten species - the VICTIM. What a blow for justice. Cheers!
Lethalfind wrote:

Not here in the US, real criminal cases can be decided by the judge. People usually don't choose that because they know the judge will go with the letter of the law and if he choose the jury, the criminal might be able to get some sympathy.
Quite so, LF - I wish there was that option here in Oz. The judges have all gone to 'Handwringing' college and passed with flying colours. The 'justice' industry is a sham & a joke. I'm wondering what it takes to actually land in the slammer here, because the crims seem to have the system by the privates. I'm more in favour of the French style system which starts with the premise of "Guilty until proven innocent by the state" where the state has to do all the work instread of the lawyers. But that's another fairyland. Cheers!