the keza journal


New member
Hey keza!*hugs and kisses*

Gosh..i hate school.Im sorry to hear it started,lol.

Good luck with asda!

Take care,hun.*hugs*




New member
wwwwwwwwooooooo!!!! it sounds like things aren't too bad

cant you look after your bro another day?? cant he like go to a friends house?



New member
wow havent been here in a while...hehe my computer broke, yey for wonderful technology! *claps*

well anywho, im on my second week of school and its really gd so far, and on my 3rd day i think it was i got an enemy, well not really an enemy, she just doesnt really like me very much cuz im hanging out with her ex best friends, long story but meh

so yeah hope alls well with people here, will update a bit later lol^^ and going to go see if theres anything new about ^_^



New member
Hey Keza!

Long time no talk!

well how are you?

glad to know that school is going pretty good for you sry about that girl. Ignore her, she's stupid to not like someone like you :thumbsup:


Have fun looking around ^^



New member
heylo there little one, thanks sweetie! havent talked to u in an oggg...*huggles*

hope alls well and thanks *****...!

*runs off to go lk around* ^^



New member
thankyou little josh, ****** **** u have alot of little green squares...been getting alot of love while i was gone...hehe

<3 u, thanks for stopping by!!!



New member
thanks hon! but it is possible to hate me...haha not that hard the hair colour btw..ur hair colour not mine!! *huggles ss1* thanks for coming round!!!


New member
Hi keza. Me stopping in to say hi, cause i havent in a while. Good to know your okay aunt keza. Hmm havent said aunt in a while.


New member
Yo Big Kay! Whats popin right? Now I hear telll that you aint posing no wall in ya ya means to im just gunna keep it chillin and if you lemme in ya herd. a'ight keep it chilled word.


Keza that is G talk. Azems native language just thought u might be interested



New member
welcome back hun! ^__^

*gives you cookies*

missed you here.. so.. school's alright for you?

school sucks here.. lol

take care hun! *hugs*



New member
heylo there little kris!!! havent talked to u in ages, thanks for coming by sweetie, missed u loads and loads! *ugs and pokes u* hope uv been ok!! tata my little one

azem, i have no idea about anything u just said, but when do i ever *smiles and nods* thanks for coming by<3 u see you around and hope ur feeling happier *huggles*<||u made fun of that word but meh, i will say it anyway

hybi, thanks for the cookie sweetie! *gives u a massive chocolate cake* made it myself, the only thing i can cook without messing up^^

school would be ok if u didnt hvae to get up so **** early for it, im not a morning person...

actually im not a day person, i should have been a vegetarian vampire/vampyr however people spell it now a days^^ *huggles* thanks for dropping by!


well today i didnt really do very much, i went to this park, barshaw park with the family which was good, saw nobody that i knew which is good because i looked like a very wild medusa...not good^^

then when i came home i atempted my chem h/w (no one can say i didnt try) just ended up me nearly so gave up on that

had a fight with mum, again, but quickly resolved with her hitting me on the head (her way of saying sorry for being a grumpy mummi) lol

and then we sat and watched hannibal, very...******, but a good film *shivers* i hate the bit with paul and hannibal eating his brain that was really nasty!

but yeah, thats it really

tata bubi



New member
Yo Big Kay! Whats popin right? Now I hear telll that you aint posing no wall in ya ya means to im just gunna keep it chillin and if you lemme in ya herd. a'ight keep it chilled word.

English Version(EDITED):

Hey Keza! What's up? Now I've heard from the grapevine that your v***** is very loose. So I'm not going to put you out there and ask you, but if you told me I wouldn't mind knowing the truth. Anyways keep it real.


I didn't really mean what I told you i just felt like giving you some ghetto talk lessons



New member
thanks numb_girl25, that was my wonderful stallkereeeee hybi, shes amazing at them^^

***** thanks azem, not saying anything about the rumours ^_^ thanks for translating for me^^



New member
Hey Keza!! *hugs and kisses*

Whoa,you havent been here in a long time. I missed

How are you doing?

Hope you are doing well.

Take care,love.*hugs*



New member
woah! 0__________o CHOCOLATE CAKE! :D my favorite! ^^

*eats it* hmmm.. it's delicious! thnx =)

lol a vegetarian vampire they rock... hehe.. werewolves are cool too :D

sorry.. had to say that..

hmm.. you saw hannibal? never saw that movie before.. my dad has that movie..

but i never watched it before..mheh

i hope you're doing fine sweet lil' stalker ^^

take care! *stalker hug*



New member
wow. my journal has 55 pages in it, doesnt seem that long ago that i was lonely and didnt know anyone on here^^

faded blue! i missed u too, ur sig and avie is awesome, *steals and puts in corner of stolen stuff* im good thanks^^ well apart from the fact its monday and im tired but im always tired so lol, no differences there

hope ur okies, *huggles*

hybi my little stalkeree how are u today my darlin'?

glad u liked the chocolate cake, hehe were wolves are cool, ur right lol, well the one in harry potter is really cool^^ *stalker hug* hannibals a really good movie i <3ed it, well not <3ed dont think u can feel like that about that type of film, so yeah *huggles again for the skae of it^^*


my msn wont log me in >.< *cries*

went to school today, and it was probably the longest day of my life...if that makes sense..*sigh* had to watch romeo and juliet in english, i dont like that film, too confusing, just confuses the fact they have guns and u cant say that when writing, they didnt have pistols in those days...oh well

so apart from having a confuso day alls okish

and i can get a haircut when my mum has money, its been long for 4 yrs without being cut short, and before that i had it long for the first nine yrs of my life, so time for a change^^ wehey

thats all, just really messing on comp till my brother goes to bed and i can go back in the living room

<3 u and leave u XxXx

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