twi~its not sad that u havent moved, i would loved to have stayed in the one place, all the firends i have made are all in diff countries like ireland, africa, germany etc..its really
*hugs* thanks for dropping by! ttyl
SW~heylo my lovely, *** u think ur lazy i ws up at 8 and then went back to bed,only just woken up and its now 1:44 do i feel lazy, lmao
*hugs* u said u werent gloomy! but im glad i cheered u up and didnt do the opposite! thanks for coming but! ttyl
ss1~yeah it was cool moving, a good experience but nothing i would like to repeat, i saw alot of countries, but i ended up losing more than i gained, it was pretty annoying moving for i never stayed in the same country more than 3 yrs..i left friends, best friends and b-friends behind ALOT hehe
thanks for coming by sweetie *hugs* ttyl
JEn~WOW!! u came lol, thanks! havent talked to u in ages ehloo person with the georgeous hair! hehe *waves back*
so ur in britain!!! wow i never knew that, thats awesome...!!!
*hugs* thanks fo coming ttyl
OH AND GO TO UR JOURNAL!!! uv abandoned it lol
well thats the most people ive had in a loved do i feel
*hugs all of the people again* hehe..nothing to update for i have been asleep..!