the keza journal


New member
forgottenkid~ur such a sweetheart (know u dont like things said like that but u cant hit me cuz ur not signed on), yeah the forums did cheer me up *is happy now*

man im go to bed or not to go to bed...hmmmm?



New member
yer so i guess i should kinda pity him but hes a freaky childlike in teh morning

(well not realleh morning cuz io dont ghet up that earleh) okaii so mid afternoon, i'll come downstairs and (our front door has like frosted glass) he'll have his face pressed against our door and is looking in and its like ARGHHHH in th morning to me haha

haha exactly what I like to sleep in don't you :p

0.0 okay I agree lol he is is the deal with that...



New member
haha yea so frib was right about my laziness

but sleeping is good *nods* i *heart* my bed:D:D

ano i can tell yoo when yoo first wake up and thats one of teh first things yoo see its like pretty damned scareh haha<333

***** franka

yea rub it in haha...<3333



New member
awww...u made her pay...lmao

and she wont get me...i'll run everytime i see her...easy as pie




New member
omgz that was so much reading! you should write a book! :eek:

so anywho, getting more serious *cough*

your mom shouldn't be worried cause she did do the right thing and I'm glad she did ^^

Jenny sounds very shweet and so does your bro XD

omgz it would be so much fun waking up like that. Although, If I were you I would've thrown away the dog or something o.o (yes, I can get a bit paraniod *cough*)

poor doggy :eek:

*pats bob*

you should've have "babbled" more! it's fun XD


mucho love hon



New member
She wont hurt you shes actually nice to people who dont give bullshit to her...and her dads gone for a week so the doctors said it would be better if she stayed away from the house for a while so im happy. Ice cap keza you have to try it!


New member
yeah i did say she was nice but she said she wasnt...hahahahahaha im always right

ice cap wtf is that? u mentioned on twis coffee thread...ive never heard of it^_^



New member
haha {[sarcasum?]} *****:D:D

<3yer thats what i sed to her

like if something has happened to that boy her calling up will realleh be for the better^^

yer she is lol shes gone up to edinburgh so she sed she'd buy me something there arww<3

and yea he can be.............sometimes lol

haha yea its a nice wakeup call but he does smell an awful lot:D:D

***** thankies sammi next time i'll babble mores and then when it comes out as this big *** long thing to bore everyone we can blame yoo haha<3

*huggles and mwah*



New member
haha {[sarcasum?]} *****:D:D<3yer thats what i sed to her

like if something has happened to that boy her calling up will realleh be for the better^^

yer she is lol shes gone up to edinburgh so she sed she'd buy me something there arww<3

and yea he can be.............sometimes lol

haha yea its a nice wakeup call but he does smell an awful lot:D:D

***** thankies sammi next time i'll babble mores and then when it comes out as this big *** long thing to bore everyone we can blame yoo haha<3

*huggles and mwah*
haha dont worry, blame it all me but atleast it'll be worth it XD

aww well doggie breath isn't really that spectacular..o.0

ooooh! Edinburgh is sooo beautiful with all the castles and um..accents and ... umm rain! pfft :p

hope she buys you soemthing very purdyful ^^




New member
sarah!!! heylo honeh<33


yer doggeh breath isnt good...we're gonna get him a toothbrush so we can clean it haha<33

yer well everywhere rains in scotland haha<33 the accents are nicer there theyre the posh ones:D east coast dont realleh like the west coast...arrrr well:D:D

thankies sweetieand thanks for coming by<33


well i dont have much to say

i had a terrible sleep and stayed up watching dvds all night...woop for finding nemo yer haha

well anyway got up at 9am and teh post had come early and basically i didnt need to worry because i passed all my exams woopness

and in got an 'a' for maths 0.o dunno how that happened haha

anywho then i went back to bed and onleh just got up^^

o and my step dad sent me flowers, a teddy bear and a bottle of shardonay hes so cutleh:D:D he works in edinburgh and foned me this morning to find out how i did...rawr haha<33

yer i dont have time to be on too long cuz my mum wants to tlk to me so yer...i twill visit other peoples journals when im on:D:D




New member
hehehe how cute! a doggie toothbrush!

although no toothpaste right? o.o'

oooh I just love the scottisch accent. It reminds me of Billy Boyd! yaaayz :p

ugh sorry that you couldn't sleep well =/

although nemo is cool..yeaa

congrats on your results! and ooh a in maths o.0'

why you lill shmartypantsh you! :p

Your step dad sounds very shweet! <3 teddies ^^

oh well! take care shweetie <3




New member
sarah!!! heylo honeh<33

yer doggeh breath isnt good...we're gonna get him a toothbrush so we can clean it haha<33

yer well everywhere rains in scotland haha<33 the accents are nicer there theyre the posh ones:D east coast dont realleh like the west coast...arrrr well:D:D

thankies sweetieand thanks for coming by<33


well i dont have much to say

i had a terrible sleep and stayed up watching dvds all night...woop for finding nemo yer haha

well anyway got up at 9am and teh post had come early and basically i didnt need to worry because i passed all my exams woopness

and in got an 'a' for maths 0.o dunno how that happened haha

anywho then i went back to bed and onleh just got up^^

o and my step dad sent me flowers, a teddy bear and a bottle of shardonay hes so cutleh:D:D he works in edinburgh and foned me this morning to find out how i did...rawr haha<33

yer i dont have time to be on too long cuz my mum wants to tlk to me so yer...i twill visit other peoples journals when im on:D:D

congratulations on the grades, good for you ^^ have a really nice stepdad don't you :p



New member
o0o0o0o wow, so they dont taste nasty but acts like coffe does?

may be a good thing

well gonna retire to bed, thanks for making me happier ns and twi...*hugs* ive got a headache from lking at the screen too long, ouch

g'nite sweeties (and sourie)



New member
yer but it will be like babeh toothpaste so its not too minty for him...cuz our next door neighbours dogs dying of gun disease thingeh i know so maneh dogs that are dying 0.o anyway so we're scared lol


haha...<33 my friends make fun of my accent cuz its like inbetween englishy and scottishy lol^^

arww thankies sammi yoore so luffly!! <33

*huggles yoo lotsly*


yer thankies sweetie <33 *hug*

yer hes luffly...much nicer than my dad:D:D


yer dvds saved my night haha:D:D

and thankies yoore realleh sweetleh<333



New member
oh that's no good!

poor doggies ><

ooh how spiffy! I wonder how that sounds like..oh! maybe Irish? XD

aww sho you are shweetie ^^




New member
herro sammi thankies for commenting honeh hehe<33

i LUFF irish accents theyre so yummy ness hehe<333

*huggles lotsly*

well ivea not updated in ageeees lol

and i cant realleh be bothered to say what happened teh other today

i twas feeling better and not so ill but still i didnt go to mass...couldnt be bothered tbh

anywho when mon mother et co came back joined them in the garden twas REALLEH warm

yer my brother came out and i threw my cup of water over him so he went and got cut a long story short im an **** because then my stepdad got teh hose pipe out and we hada realleh cold water fight

was kinda refreshing though


but now ima kinda cold

i couldnt feel my legs so had to get changed


have to say one good thing about being ill is yoo eat less so ive lost teh weight id wanted to lose by dieting....0.o well teh dieting that didnt actuallee work because i like food too much

yey for being ill

but also boo for being ill because its boring:D:D

yer ima stop babbling now



New member
Hey Keza!*hugs and kisses*

Im sorry to hear that you are fighting with your mom. :(

I hope everything turns out its best.^^

Good night hunny bunny.*tucks you in bed* :p



New member
Whaaaaa! :eek:

i'm like 2 pages behind 0_o

anyway you still want to know what kak means in dutch..

well it almost means the same i guess..

it means **** or **** :p

well take care keza!

*stalker hug*



New member
Teh Keza is back!!!!!!! *Throws confetti and gives big hugs everywhere* Hi ya hun xD! How are you doing? I'm sorry I got so behind in your holiday and I feel horrible for not wishing you a great holiday when you went to greece :( Sounds like you had fun though lol! I forgot to post I think lol. I sometimes get caught up with reading that I don't reply lol!

Sounds like you had a fun time there and you had a lot of embarrassing moments. Poor you lol but it was cute=P At least you went abroad this year! I'm stuck in good ole Manchester this summer hehe. First experiance in drinking eh? Well it sure sounds memorable lol. I don't drink myself ^.^

I'm glad you're back though and congrats again for winning best newbie award, even thoughy you're nowhere near a no0b now haha =P I hope the fighting calms down with your mum, after all... well she is your mum lol. I don't know xD! But hopefully things will be fine between the 2 of you! Constantine was an awesome movie, I love it! I love everything to do with angels and faeries heh! Well hope your headache improves!!! I'm so glad you're back *squeels like a stupid *******! Byee Love ***


I bet you dread my long replies lmao. They're so long *Ashamed* :p .



New member
yer i did lol

he left me a comment id have to be uber blind to not see it....well i usualleh am but for once i had my contacts in *nods*

yer hehe

well mon update

ima bit ****** off...tis a long story but to cut it short my aunt and gran are both *****

ALSO this certain aunt *** of mine borrowed LOADS of my books and 2 dvds

and now wont give them back

basically mon mummi hada fight with my gran

so my aunt stops tlking to ALL of us because my famileh are all complete feckers...anywho ive txt her lots and she still wont answer me so ima just send my step dad round to her house...he can be pretty scareh when he wants to

and i'll get him to get them back for me

my mum was all 'we'll leave it and buy them again' BUT we're realleh poor and i dont want to do that

i got some of those bokks for bdays from my mum

theyre mine

not hers

******* ******* that she is

anywho ima in a bad mood now

apart from that days gdleh cuz its all SUNNY yey for hot weather... :D :D


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