the keza journal


wells had a terrible sleep...why does teh first day of school make me nervous? rawr
anywho got ups and then had to go to mon induction day...was good seeing people...well some
i got teh random school bus (and on of my friends has reecently made friend of teh biggest bitch and slag of the yr) so she made me sit near then
theres this girl called laura who hangs with them

we call her weasel boy...mean us? noooo
shes a bitch...she'll spread rumours, laugh at choo and basicalleh make yoo:(
anywho she twas obv saying somehting about all of front of me...she has no right to say anything about anyone
she looks like A MAN IN DRAG...rawr hate her...¬.¬
got to school and was all huggles everywhere for people havent seen in a an og of an age

my new school lks like a foosty art museum haha

the head teachers realleh nicleh though, and we all went ona tour etc...lots of new people rara which is always gdleh *nods*

thens i went into town with friend...was it realle

and mon friend in england came back from hol today...yeyness i mished her lotlsh haha<33

thats me done

school tomorrow
boo hoo to thats yer
yer ano its like how gd would school be if they werent there arghh haha


wells was first day of school and my dog woke me up by being sick at like 4am
was gonna arrr him haha
everytime hes sick hes sick in my room (which has teh lightest carpet) eww to teh foostyness

anywho got up and put new uniform on...have to wear a blazer cuz my friend txt me saying she was wearing hers and didnt want to be alone lmfao
i felt likea man

yer i went for my bus and all these lil people were confusing me...teh bus turned up 20mins late and didnt leave for another 10 mins
teh bus driver didnt freaking know where to go
then i spent my whole day sorting my timetable out because my school is rubbish and put me down for teh wrong things:(
AND my guidance teacher (we call her miss whisper cause yer she doesnt talk vereh loud) making me do another freaking subject
rawr again

ermm thats it realleh>.< now my feet hurt from new school shoes and all teh wandering i did and ima all tired
hate school
longest and most boring day evers

yer my babblings over
lmfao arww yoore growing up lil franks
yer i want my old school
this new building looks like an airport...ima take a picture of it on monday *nods*
its ugleh and smells
and theres so maneh lost people lol
and lil 1st yrs keep crying>.<
haha I'm the shortest in my school as always >_<
so you have uniforms huh.. holland doesn't have that anywhere..
arwww...but yoore nice and lil <3 *hugs yoo*haha
yer we do...onleh one more yr...! *does a dance*
omgawsh yoor vereh luckeh tuh hehe

and i jeest found out today scotland (in 6th yr) they start doing yoor UCAS form for uni acceptance in a few weeks
arghh why that sooon >.<
hehe damn.. haven't really made any friends yet buuuuut there are people Iwanna get to know ¬¬

oh wtf.. that sucks..
takes time to make friends yer...once yoo find some yoo click with twill be gdleh hehe<3
gd luck sweetie
and yer
ima sooo scared about uni
and all teh teacher are pure pressuring me to pick subjects im like arghhh go away
narrr dont say that!!! <3 bet yoo are

and anyway yoo dont need to be like REALLEH highleh not im more average than anything and lazy^^ yoo jeest have to work hard...
i dunno i think i dont try in school cuz im fed up of it...once uni comes itll be okaii cuz i'll be treated like an adult and not a lil kid
hmm kinda abandoned lpf for awhile
whoopsie daiseh

me be gdleh
school tomorrows which isnt so gdleh
AND i dont think i have free periods tomorrow
ahhh full day of actuallee having to t h i n k

and my lip hurts
and its all swolleness..gotted it pierced yesterday
AND Ive ran out of nuerofen:(:(
so i have to lk like a goldfish fora bit
bit annoyingness

apart from that
my life is pretty boring

as usual

betcha glad yoo read this
at teh side...left hand side to be exact
and tis a bar
i wanted teh loop but my school would have grred me
so ima have to wait till i can change it
Hey kez.. been abandoning LPF too ^^'
lippiercings are pretty.. don't think I'll ever have one though.. they seem annoying
yer its getting a bit boring

they arent realleh
jeest a bit getting used to like anything
hopefulleh i'll start lking less goldfish like soonish

ima off to bed now
sleepeh sleepeh nights
<33 ilFranka yer