the linkins....RESURRECTED!!!!

houston, we have a problem....i don't have the last part to the linkins!!!!! fading beauty, i think you've got it, so could you pm it to me asap????? that would be helpful....
lpevanstaind said:
hey guys!!!! sorry i haven't been on lately, but never fear - THE NEXT PART IS HERE!!!!!

mike: who's zoo???
rob: that's brad's nickname, remember?
mike: oh yeah...dougie robb gave him that nickname, right??
rob: yeah, 'cuz of his afro...
phoenix: so, why'd you want to see chester?
mike: we've got something planned for him....
phoenix: *grinning evily* what is it???
rob: we're gonna put him in the linkinmobile while he's asleep, and mike's gonna get in the passenger seat. then the rest of us are gonna push the car around so it's like it's spinning, and mike's gonna start screaming at chester to wake up and get his eyes on the f***in road....
phoenix: d**n...good plan!!! he's gonna be scared s**tless!!!!
mike: so, how about we get chester now, give him some extra strength sleeping pills and wait until he's knocked out to do this???
rob and phoenix: sounds good to me...

Mike: *smiling* ''ok Phoenix, you get him here and we will bring some drinks with him. something nice that's extra potent!''

*Phoenix gets out and come into Joe's room where Chester is singing with Joe '' Who let the dogs out''*
Phoenix:''Hey Chester,come i've got something for's a drink''
Chaz:*gets up and smiles happily* '' Really oh i love you Phoenix..where is it?!?!? GIVE IT TO ME BABY!!!!!''

*They come back into Phoenix room where there was a glass full of beer. Chester nods and drink it*
chaz:''This is what i call a party fins sometwhere Glue he don't want to miss this!''
Mike: *gets up from the bed behind him* '' Sure Chazy, i won't miss this... why won't you faint now''
*Chaz smile and rolled his eyes. after few seconds he fell on the floor*
Rob: *smiling* '' Second part of this simple plan''

hope you like it!!!!!
Hahah kool chapie,I like it :p
thanks to fading beauty, we've got the last part of ep.1!!!!!! lp soldier, if you are done w/ep.2, please pm it to me asap....well, here it is!!!!!!

mike: ok, rob, you grab his legs...i'll get his arms...phoenix, get the keys to chester's car and wake everyone else up....this is gonna be the s**t!!!!
*mike and rob get chester out of the house. phoenix brings everyone outside after him, then opens up the door to chester's car.*
mike: ok, i'll strap him in and then get in on the other side...on the count of three, you guys start spinning the car.
*mike puts on chester's seatbelt, then gets in on the passenger side and puts his on. rolls down window*
mike: ok guys, on the count of!!!!!
*the others start spinning chester's car around in a circle. after a second, mike starts screaming like a little girl*
chester: whuh......OH MY F***ING GOD!!!!!! MY CAR!!!! I CAN'T STOP MY CAR!!!!!! HOLY S**T!!!!!
*chester slams on the brakes as the others stop spinning the car*
chester: phew....that was okay, mike???
chester: what the h**l am i doing in my car????
*everyone else starts laughing outside*
mike: chester bennington, you've just been punk'd!!!!
chester: *growling* you a*****es....let's just go up to bed...i'm exhausted....
mike: that's fine with us...
hey guys!!!! lp_soldier just sent me some of ep.2, so, here it is!!!!!

Episode 2: written by Lp_Soldier

Chapter Two

* All the guys are inside their house chillin by the big bar on the main floor, except for Chester, who is playing video games*
Mike: Hey, guys. Where's Chaz? I'm surprised he ain't up here drinkin with us
Joe: He's probably having fun by himself
Phoenix: Yeah, in the bathroom
Brad: * Squints eyes and clutches head" It Buuuuuuuuuurns!
Rob: *laughs* Yeah lets go see what our Chazy is up to
"They all call Chester and go looking for him*
Brad: Hey guys! I found him. He's here in the basement
*They all come down, and Brad meets them at the stairs*
Brad: See? Right he...Hey where'd he go?
Mike: Brad, this isn't funny. Where the h**l is Chaz...?
Chester: *Dressed in a cape, no shirt and a mask around his face* Feeeaaarrrrr Super Chesterrrr!
All the guys: *Blink*
Rob: uhhh....Chaz? Are you feeling ok?
Chester: Of course! I was playing video games and I thought, wouldnt it be cool if I was a superhero? So here I am, new superhero of the century - SuperChester!
Mike: Chester, that's ridiculous. You can't be a superhero
Chester: *frowns* Awww why not?
Mike: *big grin* Cuz I'm being one first! *steals Chester's cape*
Chester: Heyyyy thats mine! *chases him*
*The rest of the guys pile up on Chester*
Joe: I have an idea! Let's all be superheroes!
Phi: Good idea! I want a cool costume!
Mike: Me too! I want a Spongebob costume! *starts to take pants off and reveal Spongebob boxers*
Mike: *pouts* awww you guys suck!
Joe: Oh, and you would know
Mike: *winks* h**l yeah!!
*all of them laugh*
Chester: So, what are we waiting for? Let's go save people! *starts to run upstairs*
Phoenix: Wait a second! We all need costumes, too
Chester: Oh, yeah...well hurry up then!
Rob: Well, lets all go shopping and pick out some fabric. Then I'll sew us all costumes!
Brad: *puzzled look* When did you learn to sew?
Rob: I've always known how to sew, I took a sewing class one year
All: *Blink*
Joe: oooooook..well c'mon lets get some costume materials then!
*They all hop in the car and go shopping at the mall.*
Rob: Ahh, fabric land! My favourite store! Ok everyone, go pick out something you want!
*All start running around the store*
Chester: *Grabs a roll of fabric and starts unravelling it, running in circles around Rob* Haha Rob! You're all tied up!
Rob: Chester! Stop it! Ahhhh *falls over into a bin of fabric*
*Store clerk comes along*
Clerk: Sir, I have to ask you to leave the store now, please
Chester: Yeah Rob, leave the store. I mean, how dare you cause havoc in Fabricland!
Rob: awwww *frowns and slowly leaves*
*Soon all the guys have the fabrics they want. They buy the fabric and go home*
Chester: Haha Rob doesnt get a costume!
Rob: Oh, yeah! Want a bet?
*Rob goes upstairs for a minute. When he comes back down he's dresses like Spiderman*
Rob: I'm SpiderRob!
Joe: Where did you get that??
Rob: It was one of my Halloween costumes one year
Phoenix: *bursts out laughing*
Rob: Hey, its better than Fantastik Phoenix
Phi: It is not! My name is unique. Fantastik is spelt with a K!
Rob: *rolls eyes* Ok, well what about the rest of you? What our your superhero names?
Mike: Spike Phantom!
Brad: Bradzilla!
Joe: King Joe - Kong!
Mike: *sighs* Yes Chester, we know
Chester: Good cause Im the leader of this bunch!
Mike: *Hides face in hands* If Chester's our leader, we're all doomed. Not just us, but the people that we're going to save.