The Love Topic II.


New member
beautiful, loverly, nice, amazing, sweet, cool, awesomist, loves Drew Fuller, Crazy [in a good way, happy, & herself.

whats not to love about her?

haha thats right. I didnt think you'd answer that cuz there is no answer XD


crazy robster

New member
All the sweetness of the world is not enough to describe her sweetness!!! Absolutely adorable!!!! :)

Len = little brother <3 Enough said...



New member
i think your just about the only person on the love topic to constantly think of things to say...

that and you always say fused words, like "Spaz-fan-super-tastic".



New member
i cant think of a bad thing to say about you... thats one good thing.

its also cool that ur pretty much on msn just as everyone else logs off, and ur awesome to chat to so thats a real posative :) :) :)



New member
*is worried about the happy hippo dance*

HErE! i got u a FREE ticket to the mental ward!!! HAVE FUN

*that was nice!!!*

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