The Love Topic II.


New member
Whoo yay..

can't believe I got this guy on here.. he's like one of my best dutch online friends.. and we'll be for a **** of a long time :D

Show me someone who loves Lostprophets etc. more than him ;)



New member
Yes everyone is cool in their own way here....

one for bein an ******* one for bein a ****** even for acting pretty normal.

But meh use to be the ****** here but never in the mood to be like that anymore.

but your one cool n00b :p and not kiddin



New member
Yea I guess I'm nice

but don't catch me when I'm in a bad moood o.o;;

but I'm not on the computer if I'm in a bad mood XP


Phranka We use to spam each others journals up all the time XDthat was fun :p



New member
heheh.. one day I'll be meetin you for real.. you'll feel.. bad like I feel :D

sweet guy. everyone should get to know him



New member
franka just amaze...shes a convo glue and my lil LesbianFriend™ <---no one else can say that haha<3




New member
im luffed *does a dance*yey

riss is teh coolness of lpf...dontcha think?

pfft and shes hawt stuff like...>.<

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