The Love Topic II.


New member
aww thanks huni bun. i like being called sweet..but i must ask of you..what happened to the good ol'days of the fribby ltd and ****.


New member
havent a clue, nobodys' posted on there forever and my Bar/Club that i started in there isn't getting any busness....


SYGY IS AWESOME!!!! *hugs*



New member
awww....did ya HAVE to say sweet?! i dont like being called sweet....*sigh* oh well....

ALLIE is very very very very very very nice to me



New member
He he...Sygy turned out to be a very nice person even though she can be mean sometimes... :p At the start I was rather avoiding her but...not any more... :D

Love ya! *hugs*



New member
diana you picked your name as your screen name just like meeeeee

and sygy i don't want greyfoxx, i'm married lol



New member
He he...Sygy turned out to be a very nice person even though she can be mean sometimes... :p At the start I was rather avoiding her but...not any more... :D Love ya! *hugs*
?????????????????????????????????????? T.T

allie is very nice and a...a..better not say...

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