The Love Topic II.


New member
you remind me of a nice summers stroll on the cool sand of an Australian beach, while the ice cream I'm eating decides to stream down my arm in liquid form. Your Beaut Mate!!! LMAO!!




New member
hehee thanks

u is like cheese cause

U is gold

U is mature

U is awesome in texture

Unforutenetly u also carry its aroma XD jp im sure u smell lovely lol

this girl is a very nice person, she's cool, awesome and kind.. and she has sense of humor!! OHH, and she likes my avatar and sig!! Btw, ur sig is very cool, too!!!


New member
Jos is made of some sort of magical ingrediant that makes her so special and i hopes they dont do a coca cola and make a new jos, I LOVE JOS CLASSIC AS IT IS!
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