Indescribably sweet and cute and huggable!!! *tackle hugs*
crazy robster New member May 19, 2007 #3,461 Indescribably sweet and cute and huggable!!! *tackle hugs*
MrsBennington-Delson New member May 19, 2007 #3,462 I'm proud to have a big sis like you *tackle hugs*
Greyfoxx New member May 19, 2007 #3,463 jeeez, hmmmm..... i've said so much nice stuff about you that i cant hardly think of anything else to say... cept You make LPF a brighter and better place because you are here to make us all feel loved
jeeez, hmmmm..... i've said so much nice stuff about you that i cant hardly think of anything else to say... cept You make LPF a brighter and better place because you are here to make us all feel loved
MrsBennington-Delson New member May 19, 2007 #3,465 allie is probably the coolest mummy I've ever met...
MrsBennington-Delson New member May 20, 2007 #3,469 you make me go ahsdfhalkshdfgohalskdgajergasdfjgl asrejotgaj fgajsdflkgaljdsfga ^but in a very positive way
you make me go ahsdfhalkshdfgohalskdgajergasdfjgl asrejotgaj fgajsdflkgaljdsfga ^but in a very positive way
MrsBennington-Delson New member May 20, 2007 #3,471 the foxs is singin... just for me... OMG!!! *tackle hugs* foxx foxx foxx!!!
Greyfoxx New member May 20, 2007 #3,472 *is glomp-d* uh, welcome? You are the only person that can tackle hug me without me getting mad! CONGRATS!
*is glomp-d* uh, welcome? You are the only person that can tackle hug me without me getting mad! CONGRATS!
allieking New member May 20, 2007 #3,473 foxxy is like the best member of lpf!!!! apart from me that is lol
Greyfoxx New member May 20, 2007 #3,476 *hides* Allie is so nice that i just wanna squeeze her like crazy!
DarknessLover New member May 20, 2007 #3,477 Foxxy is just an amazing person who just makes all those gloomy days happy with her amazing personality!
Foxxy is just an amazing person who just makes all those gloomy days happy with her amazing personality!