The Love Topic II.


New member
Awww...ima gonna cry!!!!

franky kicks bootay, always nice to EVERYONE no matter what.

she's loves when i call her "franky" lol!! :D

Oo! and....I LOVE YOU JOJO!!!!!





New member
her avie makes my eyes go weirdo *falls off chair*

she est vereh vereh cool...and we all knows it



New member

I GET A PICTURE!!!!!!!! i love,love,love,love,LOVE franky!!!!!

::hugs franky hard:: :D :D:D:D

fox, makes the world go round:thumbsup:

heh....i love that saying :p



New member
ur better then pie........ unless its apple...... and has ice cream

But certainly is better then all the others........... maybe not rhubard & Custard ^.^

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