The Love Topic II.


New member
Whats duck tape :O is it made from ducks :O

awwwwww shes so cute ^.^ its ducttape :) *throws roll of ducttape at foxx as she walks away*



New member
yeah, i know its ductape, but i like saying DUCKTAPE because it makes people laugh...

*superglues you to the tree*


*throws the roll at ur head* MY BAD!



New member
I am the name protecter of her!!!

(I stole Matt's T today cause he kept calling Alison > Allison >:c so Matt = Mat now)



New member
What do you think my name is XD It's on my sig. lol, so it's just 'Len' :p

Audio. is pretty cool seeing a few of his posts :thumbsup:

and whats your name? lmao xD

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