The Love Topic II.


New member
LMAO XD thats funny o.o;;

jojo is one of the coolest ppl I've met so far

she even laughed at one of my argument clip I showed her o.o;;of me and my friend on yahoo XD



New member
down by the bay down by the bay

where the watermelons grow

were the watermelons grow

back to my home

back to my home

i dare not go

i dare not go

for if i do

for if i do

my mother will say

my mother will say

have you ever seen a girl

hotter ther yacks in this world?


...................damnit i did all that for nothing!

Ok Jojo.

Shes like.

this lady right here

Beaware shes fat

thats not to say shes fat. im just saying she has good taste in bedsheets



New member
azk....your so cute. that was funny:)

azk is my spanish buddy. Love him!

and yeah, i know portugeese cos my ex used to be Brazilian....

so i learned.

btw: WoOt WoOt for Brasil in the World cup!

....haha...Mexico lost azk :p



New member
Yacky Yacky shes so groovey

Yacky Yacky she does alot to move me

Yacky Yacky she is my one and only

Yakcy Yacky YACKY YACKY!

Shes really just lovely :)

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