The Love Topic II.


New member
Im not like a male chicken :O

She knows that I coulda been perverted................... she knows me and understands me ^.^



New member
Ooo, Jojo is so sweet that I have to put her in my sig...she has never been there before! :eek: She deserved it, though... :) *hugs*

crazy robster

New member
Haha!! Me and my long sentences!! LOL I'm honoured hun, thanks it means a lot!!! You're one of those people who are not afraid to show their love! That's invaluable to me... I'm tired of showing love and gatting back this:.......... :D


New member
Yeah, you're right...people often don't show love back... :confused: And, you know, I'm not always like that...But I sure show my love to someone I really love! :D *huggles*

PS: I'm afraid we went off topic...a bit... :rolleyes:



New member
Shes like many thing

A giraff in that she sticks her neck in every topic

A elephant cause she can smell Len from miles away

A vegetable cause....... thats self explanitory

A Picture cause she likes to capture the moment

A Class A drug cause shes always stimulated

A Chicken cause she goes with anything

A sheppards pie cause shes got many layers

A tv cause shes worshiped by many

A ray of sunshine cause she britens up our days

And a alarm cause sometimes u just want to throw her against the wall

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