The Love Topic II.

*puts a sticker with 'lpfs crazeh kidd' written, on yoor head*
shes roofus haha
never been kissed, tis uno funneh film
bwahahha. I love you greyfox. just take pride in knowing that it all goes to you. well its split up between u & matty head & there are some odd percentages in there too... yea I'm just gonna shut up.

Yea so I dont really know Peterdea, but um... he/she [clear that up for me please] seems really really cool! very outspoken & cool.
Greyfoxx said:
everyones' gotta wuv jeezy....its a rule.....its like number 204 or something in the LPFer handbook

Oh...thanks...and number 205 is...everyones got to praise Greyfoxx 3 times a day