The LPF Band - Be A Part Of It !

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if you want to build mini bands....

make sure to be in my team
if you know what i mean

Should teams be built by

School Yard pick? Such as 2 team leaders, and the rest picked off one by one?

Friendships? Whom ever you know you team up with and then you build off from there

Musical Tastes? If one group likes Rock and one likes rap?

Just ideas
I have a keyboard next to my PC that I can rig up if I can find the cable. I also have a bass guitar and a guitar, but no equipment to hook it up.
I will only work with people who will play they instruments naked and send me videos....


I don't care with who or all :p
at least pair or group people in a way together that two people with the worst equipment or no mixing, don't end up together

make sure that all groups/pairs/whatever can get a good sound out
Well, I can get perfect recordings, but my effects are terrible ie: Distortion, Wah Wah. So I would need someone with a good access to filter them
your best bet is:

Guitar -> pedal -> amp -> line out -> PC
Guitar -> pedal -> amp -> mic -> PC
Guitar -> GuitarRig2 -> PC
I still say we try to make one song with everyones talents haha. I know theres alot of people involved and it could get complicated though
Here's what I could do/a little of what I have

Bass guitar
Bass, Cello, and Violin strings
Electric keyboard
... and literally over 100 more. PM me if you want a full list lol.

I could do vocals, but unless you want a techno/robot feel to the sound that's probably not me. I use this mic so it's okay quality still.

I think I'd do best at a DJ-esqe position. Looking at the track after it's done and adding in my own touch, but I'd be happy to do anything else, except keyboard.
wouldn't it be simpler to split things up a bit more? I mean everyone working on one track means that we lose the touch of a lot of people, plus I think it's hella complicated

I think 2-3 people would be the optimal size
wouldn't it be simpler to split things up a bit more? I mean everyone working on one track means that we lose the touch of a lot of people, plus I think it's hella complicated

I think 2-3 people would be the optimal size

yeah...i agree

3 people groups could work
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