The muslims in Britain


New Member
Nov 20, 2006
I am hating ther fact that every year waves of new Muslims (and other foreign folk) come to this country and take away what it means to be British. We are told to watch what we say in case we offend them. If we do offend them they end up going out on marches and kill people, so why is it our fault that these crazy Muslims ****s kill people.

I'm not racist by any means but when I feel that my life is constantly being threatened by these people, and I'm having my freedom of speech taken away from me every minute of the day I can't help but feel a little hostile.

There are whole towns within this country where it is possible to feel like a foreigner, in my own country just because they are infecting the country so much.

We have given them so much, jobs, homes, money and they are constantly throwing **** in our faces by making sure we suffer for their inadeqences.

It really pisses me off and I know something has to be done, but it never will.
It is only in the last few months that Muslims have offended you, because your to stupid to realise when your being brainwashed. You are told we ere evil, so you believe it.

When was the last time a Muslim came up to you and threatened you???
Please tell me.

You are a racist pure and simple since you dislike "foreign folk" as you put it. You believe British society to be superior to others.
Your life is not being threatened by anyone, get over it! You think it is, because you are little more than a blind sheep, following whatever the media tells, you. Grow up.

If you feel like that, then move out of britain, go, who says it belongs to you anyway??? You were born here, so what does not give you the right to declare it your own, what century are you living in??

Britain through its own evil and stupidity lost the empire, its over, gone, more on and deal with it. If I were you, I wouldn't want to taken responsibility for what Britain has given people, its not pleasent.
And after what the empire put people through I declare I am glad it is being "invaded". You deserve it and I can only laugh.

I guess you live on a council estate or something like that? I mean work in a factory perhaps? I don't know Allah knows best, but if you are an educated man then please get a life.
Mariama said:
When was the last time a Muslim came up to you and threatened you???

Why would it matter if he has been personally threatened? It is human nature to be sympathetic to one's own people or to associate one's self with the resident population.

You are a racist pure and simple since you dislike "foreign folk" as you put it.

This is again human nature. He is not automatically a racist or a xenophobe simply because he doesn't like foreigners over running his country.

You believe British society to be superior to others.

How did you draw this conclusion from the original thread?

Your life is not being threatened by anyone, get over it! You think it is, because you are little more than a blind sheep, following whatever the media tells, you. Grow up.

Oh ya. He is a blind sheep because he believes Muslims are violent.

If you feel like that, then move out of britain, go, who says it belongs to you anyway??? You were born here, so what does not give you the right to declare it your own, what century are you living in??

So let's all move and hand our countries over the immigrants? WTF? It is a fact that Muslims are immigrating into countries all over the world. They refuse to adapt to the laws and customs of these countries and insist on being catered to. Look at Paris as one example. So many Arab immigrants have flooded the city and now they have such sway they are bullying the Parisian government into revolving around Muslim needs and customs.

And after what the empire put people through I declare I am glad it is being "invaded". You deserve it and I can only laugh.

Such hate and hostility.
Yes I am glad you see the hate and hostility towards working class baggage, (maybe you are one? I do not know) I only wish you could see your own hate filled nonsense and evil backwards racism which makes you so blind. I do recall seeing the term "hate" in his little speech actually.

In other words its ok to be racist. I see you are just as stupid.
He is not a racist, but doesn't like "FOREIGNERS in "HIS" country...Oh dear.

He is blindly sympathetic towards his own people, therefore he is a racist, pure and simple.

I'm mixed race and I do not hold one side in greater esteem than the other, they both have aspects abhorrent to me. And at least I can recognise this.
Why can't you see the flaws in British society without blaming it on immigrants and Muslims?

I have never met a violent Muslim and I would like to know the last time you have, if you cannot answer the question don't speak.

Muslims needs and customs huh? I seem to remember the French government banning the hijab, is this giving in to the Muslim's needs and demands? Is this the so - called "freedoms" you love to bang on about?

One rule for you and another for the Muslim? We may have our freedom as long as we do what you want. (Thus taking our freedom). Interesting...
Phantom said:
Mariama said:
And after what the empire put people through I declare I am glad it is being "invaded". You deserve it and I can only laugh.

Such hate and hostility.

and why is it that people think Muslims are a hateful group of people?
Mariama said:
I only wish you could see your own hate filled nonsense and evil backwards racism which makes you so blind.

Then let's make a deal so we can end this stalemate: Islam calls off their Jihad against the infidels and the infidels stop being so intolerant. Intolerance breeds hate. Muslims are known for their religious intolerance. Therefore, they are hated. Pretty simple.

In other words its ok to be racist. I see you are just as stupid.
He is not a racist, but doesn't like "FOREIGNERS in "HIS" country...Oh dear...
Why can't you see the flaws in British society without blaming it on immigrants and Muslims?

Foreigners and immigrants are not the issue. At least they shouldn't be. It's those that migrate to another country yet are not willing to adapt to the laws and customs of the welcoming country. They want the country, standards, and society to adapt to them. Like the old adage goes, "When in Rome..."

I have never met a violent Muslim and I would like to know the last time you have, if you cannot answer the question don't speak.

It shouldn't matter if I have met one, 500, or none. It is the impression the majority of Islam leaves in its wake. Have you ever heard the following quote in regards to Nazi Germany that says something along the lines of "When they came for the homosexuals, I did not speak up because I was not homosexual. When they came for the invalids, I did not speak up because I was not an invalid. When they came for the Jews, I did not speak up because I was not Jewish. However, when they came for me, there was no one left to speak up."

When I see things occur like 9-11, the London subway bombing, and a nun being murdered because of a comment spoken by the Pope, I do not need a personal experience to speak up.

Muslims needs and customs huh? I seem to remember the French government banning the hijab, is this giving in to the Muslim's needs and demands? Is this the so - called "freedoms" you love to bang on about?

The hijab was not banned throughout the entire country. The ban mainly pertained to those in the fields of government, education, and public service. Pretty understandable.

One rule for you and another for the Muslim? We may have our freedom as long as we do what you want. (Thus taking our freedom). Interesting...

Again, the intolerance of the majority of Islam breeds hatred of Islam.
mrsexyass said:
I am hating ther fact that every year waves of new Muslims (and other foreign folk) come to this country and take away what it means to be British. We are told to watch what we say in case we offend them. If we do offend them they end up going out on marches and kill people, so why is it our fault that these crazy Muslims ****s kill people.

I'm not racist by any means but when I feel that my life is constantly being threatened by these people, and I'm having my freedom of speech taken away from me every minute of the day I can't help but feel a little hostile.

There are whole towns within this country where it is possible to feel like a foreigner, in my own country just because they are infecting the country so much.

We have given them so much, jobs, homes, money and they are constantly throwing **** in our faces by making sure we suffer for their inadeqences.

It really pisses me off and I know something has to be done, but it never will.

i completely understand where u are coming from. i'm very anti-boxing (i.e - stereotypes are not for me) and though i hate it i am stereotying and generalising here.

i am against racism and i think the brittish public are all for living in a free coutnry yes? we are also for helping others by allowing immigrants into our country (most people) so i dont get the people who are against immigrants practising their own religion. thats just creating double standards.

however, i disagree with all this nonsense about Britain changing our laws to fit in with these immigrants religions. Britain is first and foremost a modern day, western country based on christianity. immigrants are imigrating, moving in they must work around the current laws. i wouldnt go to another country hoping to change the laws to fit with my religion.

in syaing this - comments and sayings that insult these other religions are not on. they may be unintentional but if i went to another country and they were terming someone who is strict with their money as 'tight white *****' i owuld most definetely be offended and uncomfortable.

thats a very exaggerated example i know lol but it gets a point accross.
Mariama said:
Yes I am glad you see the hate and hostility towards working class baggage, (maybe you are one? I do not know) I only wish you could see your own hate filled nonsense and evil backwards racism which makes you so blind. I do recall seeing the term "hate" in his little speech actually.

In other words its ok to be racist. I see you are just as stupid.
He is not a racist, but doesn't like "FOREIGNERS in "HIS" country...Oh dear.

He is blindly sympathetic towards his own people, therefore he is a racist, pure and simple.

I'm mixed race and I do not hold one side in greater esteem than the other, they both have aspects abhorrent to me. And at least I can recognise this.
Why can't you see the flaws in British society without blaming it on immigrants and Muslims?

I have never met a violent Muslim and I would like to know the last time you have, if you cannot answer the question don't speak.

Muslims needs and customs huh? I seem to remember the French government banning the hijab, is this giving in to the Muslim's needs and demands? Is this the so - called "freedoms" you love to bang on about?

One rule for you and another for the Muslim? We may have our freedom as long as we do what you want. (Thus taking our freedom). Interesting...

the world is not out to get muslims.

plus - Britain is not France.

not one rule for 'us' and another for a muslim. one rule for all. respect and understanding. u seem to lack both.

STOP BOXING PEOPLE, its infuriating. i can understand ur pissed off, and you have your reasons but i do not categorise all muslims as terrorists as u categorise all britains as being freedom restricters.
I'm british myself so that would be a little stupid to consider all britains as freedom restricters no? My family are non-Muslim britains and they do not restrict my freedom...
I live in an area which has a low percentage of Muslims and my area is infact nearly all "white". and I love it so please do not make asumptions about me.
What I hate is stupid comments from the working class trash from above.

No the world cannot get Muslims this is why the baggage above is angry about it. We have a right to live our lives without ANY comment on our clothes, the way we pray, everything. You get on with your lives, so why is it, everytime I see this site, they are always trying to slag Muslims or non-whites?
hugo said:
Blame Fabian socialism.

You do this all the time you lazy *******.

Post your viewpoints regarding Fabian socialism in context with the post, or I'm gonna box your arse.

That's a promise. :cool:
builder said:
You do this all the time you lazy *******.

Post your viewpoints regarding Fabian socialism in context with the post, or I'm gonna box your arse.

That's a promise. :cool:

Hugo, you got owned.
Mariama said:
I'm british myself so that would be a little stupid to consider all britains as freedom restricters no? My family are non-Muslim britains and they do not restrict my freedom...
I live in an area which has a low percentage of Muslims and my area is infact nearly all "white". and I love it so please do not make asumptions about me.
What I hate is stupid comments from the working class trash from above.

No the world cannot get Muslims this is why the baggage above is angry about it. We have a right to live our lives without ANY comment on our clothes, the way we pray, everything. You get on with your lives, so why is it, everytime I see this site, they are always trying to slag Muslims or non-whites?

um ... i think someone needs to re-read my previous comment. the whole freedom to live our lives the way we want ... kinda covered through generalisation.

its people like you who create all these completely over the top 'PC' rules - get a grip! was i in anyway slagging muslims? incase you fail to read my comment correctly - again - the answer is (dun dun DUN) NO.

come back with a valid response. your talking first class bull ;)
for starters, how is a person racist when they are referring to a religion? Anyway, i think that we are worrying too much about how we make people feel, the military is getting in trouble for being violent (WTF?! i mean really, how ****ed up is that) muslim women are being allowed to cover their faces in drivers licence photos (you think i lie? Google it) and we are being tolerent of and giving specal concideration to terrorist prisoners (something they show appreciation for by cutting off heads with dull swords) in short, we are becoming afraid of what people will do if we act a certan way so we don't make someone do something bad. that my friends, is NOT freedom. i don't give two shits if some asshole terrorist and his buddies find us shooting them in the head at point blank range offensive, the asshole should have walked faster (it has happened, but done by contracters) we don't need to live in fear just becouse allah****med decides to threaten us with bombs, and if the people of iraq have a problem with a soldier killing insurgents who just killed his best friend, tough, we are killing them so they don't kill/torture/rape/opress/rob/etc..... you, shut the **** up or fight them yourselves if you want us to use rubber bullets and flash grenades.

we should not change our way of life to please a person who moved to our country, they moved here becouse they liked the way it is, not to change it.

so in closing on the topic of not acting against people for fear of what they MAY or MAY NOT do....

Harry S. Truman said:
When even one American, who has done nothing wrong, is forced by fear to shut his mind and close his mouth, then all Americans are in peril.

that's what i think.

oh, and look at what the guy over at thinks....
This is more of what gets me in general, which is the inability to address a GROUP of people that shares a common philosophy, for fear of offending them. Even if what they do that you cannot talk about is dismantle your society.

It works this way, if you cannot handle your own, it is the responsibility of those in power to handle them for you.

I will not sit idly by while MY society is overrun for fear of offending them (whoever they are).

**** your feelings. I am offended. I will speak and act accordingly.
The British muslims are the US Mexicans. It has **** all to do with race, it has to do with the decadent societies desire not to get its hands dirty, and allowing another culture to handle such things, and then being overrun.

Because it is our fault, doesn't mean we can't fix it.

Keep bucking the society you live in because of your muslim affiliation... see where it gets you.

Those who identify themselves by association of groups are the bigots. By definition.
I'll take being overrun by Mexicans over Muslims any day of the week. Roman Catholicism has mellowed a bit since Galileo.